Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hope is 8 months old!

Our little baby girl is 8 and a half months old now! Its taken me a few weeks to write because I feel like each month goes faster and faster! She is standing by herself often and working on those first steps now!

I dont have too much to update on as far as events in the past month. Im just enjoying her so much. I love being a stay at home mom and being able to just watch her grow and change every hour each day. I feel so blessed and lucky to be able to do this.

Our kitchen is ALMOST done. Tony, JP's dad, has been doing all the tile work in our kitchen and we are looking at finishing this weekend. I will post a before and after picture. That will be nice when its all done. I cant wait to have my kitchen 100% back!

This month Hope seems a little less interested in solids than last month. She will eat one good solid meal in the day (only if its sweet potatoes or blueberries) but if I offer more or different foods she just kind of plays with it. She would much rather just chew on her spoon. This is very normal as food before one is just for fun. Some babies just have more fun with it than others I guess. So I am still nursing a good 8 times a day and maybe more on extra cranky days where she just wants to pacify. Im convinced this is why I am not losing any weight. Im always sitting on my booty nursing lol! But Im not complaining who am I kidding. This is the life!

I need to schedule her next appointment but she is in the 14-15lb range. Teeny tiny little thing! She is getting to be so funny. She has this personality already. She says "dad" ALL the time! Just yesterday I repeated "mama,mama,mama,mama" and she looks at me and says..."dad." lol!! stinker! We missed her 6 month shoot due to just being so busy with the house stuff so we will be doing 9 month pictures. I will post those next month :-D!

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