Thursday, April 9, 2009


It is the topic that just breaks my heart. It is something that I just cant seem to grasp. So many people get them, plan to have them, or say if they got pregnant they probably would have one. This is something I have been passionate about since I was 14. Maybe i owe that to my mom for showing me the pictures of abortion at that age. Maybe I just have a conscious. Maybe I have the mental capacity to take responsibility for my actions.
People will argue that at the moment of conception until about 3 months the baby is not a baby. It is an embryo they say. Well how come only when people want the baby it is a baby. It has a heart beat correct? And what about the cases when a woman is about 2 months along and tragically the doctor can not find that heart beat anymore. Those women who wanted that "embryo" are devastated. Whatever it was, it died. ITS A BABY!!!! Its a baby with a heart beat that can die or live!!!!! It is YOUR baby, who loves, trusts, and depends on you. And they have the right to live, you women of America should NOT have that right to play God with your baby and decide whether it lives or dies whether or not it is convenient for you at the time or whatever. This is Gods child, not yours.
It is disgusting, and wrong and it is something that really eats away at my heart from the depths of my very soul. I just cant believe all the babies America has killed. Women, my sisters in Christ even! People will bring up the (rape victims, incest and possible death) Statistics will show that this is about 1% of the case! Can you believe that?!!! I blame the selfish women in the world, I blame the government, I blame the media, I blame our school systems for not teaching about awareness or teaching some sort of moral education, and I blame the feminists. Its disgusting. Grow a conscience America, come on enough already. This HAS TO STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!