Thursday, December 22, 2011

How and why to cloth diaper

I would like to share some simple instructions on the oldest method of diapering in the world. Cloth diapering...

I personally use the (Pre fold and Diaper Cover) system because:

1.) It is the cheapest initial investment (about 100-200 bucks per child)
2.) It is a simple and easy to wash system
3.) It is the oldest method (Upgraded)
4.) It is fun picking out the cute diaper covers!

So here we go!

This is a pre fold. All the work has been done for you as far as absorbancy. When you get your pre folds you wash and dry them 4 to 5 times to prep them. This will wash off oils, manufacturing stuff and increase their absorbancy for first use. The more you use and wash pre folds the MORE absorbent they are. This makes them great to use on future kids you have. I bought the small size of this particular brand (Imagine). Its size 7-17lbs. Hope is only about 11lbs so she will be in these for a very long time, especially if she is anything like my sisters and I as babies. I did get the next size up (one dozen medium/ 12-25lbs) just in case. When you get them they look flat, the more you wash the more they quilt up.

This is a Diaper Cover (Imagine brand). This is what you put over the pre fold to make it water proof. This will keep the absorbancy inside, not exposed to clothes. It is great for explosive newborn poops. It catches the poop. I have not had a leak once since I have started cloth diapering! I use (One Size) Diaper covers. They grow with your child making it unnecessary to buy more as your little one gets bigger. There are so many designs/prints out there, you can really have fun with these! They are addicting.

Okay so those are all you need, now here is how you do it!

1.) Lay the cover under your babies bum.

2.) Fold the pre fold in a "tri fold" Just into a strip. This triples absorbency!

3.) Fold prefold and cover up

4.) Snap the Cover (I like buttons over velcro in preparation of when she is a toddler, she wont be able to undo her diaper)

Washing instructions:

1.) When you change your babies diaper, and poop has not leaked onto the cover you can re-use and re-use the same cover until it is dirty. Take the prefold out and throw it in your "wet bag". If poop has leaked and its not easily wiped off throw the prefold AND diaper cover into your wet bag. These are specially made to hold your diapers for 2-3 days until you wash them. They contain smell which is great, just zip it closed.

2.) When you are ready to wash. Take your wet bag and pour out your diapers into the washer and throw the wet bag right in there with them. Do one short cold rinse. This will rinse all the pee down the drain. If your baby is breastfed no need to spray your diapers first, just throw them right in there too. Just like with disposables you are supposed to dump solid poop in the toilet (prevents spread of disease). Do this with cloth as well before you throw diaper in the wet bag. An optional gadget would be a diaper sprayer and its pretty nice if you want to give the dirty diapers a quick spray into the toilet before putting the diaper in the wet bag.

3.) After the cold rinse, wash your diapers and covers on a regular hot wash cycle. I use the detergent called Planet. My daughter has sensitive skin and this is hypo allergenic as well as cloth diaper safe. The only other one I would use is Tide Original. You only need to use a little detergent with cloth diapers. The hot water and rinsing/spinning does most of the work.

4.) Once they are washed, throw your pre folds in the dryer, dry them as you would normal clothes. Hang dry your covers to keep them nice. I just hang dry them on the shower curtain rod.

Thats it! So so easy. The first day takes some getting used to but once you get the hang of it (about 2-3 days) you will never want to use disposables again.

How much "stash" should I have?

1.) With the pre fold/cover system you will want about 24 pre folds and 6 diaper covers if you dont want to wash your diapers every day. I wash her diapers every two days. I recommend the "Smart fit" prefolds by Imagine. They are sold at They are specially made to do the tri-fold which is the easiest. No need for pins or anything. I also have two "small" wet bags for the diaper bag and always have on hand two covers and 4 pre folds for outings.

2.) You will want a wet bag or diaper pail with a liner/tote for your cloth dipes.

3.) Cloth safe detergent

Thats it! No need to buy diapers anymore. No need to buy trash bags. No trash build up. No chemical gels under babies bum and sensitive areas. Just invest 100-150 bucks and your set! You will save somewhere in the thousands for using cloth. Ive even gone as far as to use cloth wipes...

1.) Cut up old receiving blankets baby has grown out of.
2.) In a tuperware bowl mix (Warm water, coconut oil, and lavender essential oil) These are anti microbial and prevent mustiness/diaper rash.
3.) Submerge the cut up wipes, ring out water and put in the wipey warmer. Done! Throw them in your wet bag as well! You can buy already made wipes too, they wont leak little strings. I will get to that eventually, but right now that is working fine for us.

Lets not forget, this is good for our environment. Diapers are not bio-degradable. OUR diapers are still in a landfill...eew... Potty stuff belongs going down the drain, not the trash! Cloth diapered kids are known for earlier potty training because they will feel the wettness against their skin and learn to understand when they have to pee :)

THE END! If you have any questions, e-mail me

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Home Owners at 22 & 23! Our Story!

That's right; its official JP and I are home owners. We're sitting in our home in awe and disbelief that this finally happened. It was a long 6+ months but it was all worth it!

JP and I moved a year and a half ago due to JP's job transfer. We had about two weeks to find a place to live and we went up one weekend and saw the few places we could that fit into our budget and that would allow a dog... It was VERY slim pickings... We decided on a little unit near the beach because the owner was putting in new laminate floors and he gutted the kitchen and it was decent... We moved right in and all the problems began to pile up. Not to mention when all our stuff was in the 600 sq ft unit was uncomfortably tiny... First off our neighbors were an interesting bunch to say the least. We met a woman who had been living in there for a long time and we immediately knew she would be a piece of work to live by... We will call her Dill... lol. If you knew her name would would think that is funny. We shortly found out we were living in a Section 8 complex... We lived next door to a convicted sex offender, a meth addict, heroin addicts across the way, domestic violence in the other unit and crazy single moms screaming and cussing out their very small children... We couldn't believe it but we signed a year lease. (The sex offender moved out two months after we moved in thank the Lord...) But the drug addicts just kept coming...

We held our heads up high and decided to just push through until our lease was up and then we would start our search for a new place to rent. I always kept an eye out for an idea in our price range but quickly realized we would always be living in dumpy places for our price range. Its amazing how LITTLE $1200 a month will get you if you have a dog! When I was pregnant with Hope about 4 months along JP came in the house from work one day and said "Babe, Im going to buy us a place." I was like okay? We dont have any savings, we dont have enough time to build a savings either for a down payment. At least not for a few years? Since I was pregnant and exhausted I told him if he really wanted to do this to go for it but I wont be much help because my brain was on baby overload. Well I owe all the credit to JP. He did the research on a home loan called a USDA loan. It is a rural development loan that is targeted to stimulate the economy of rural towns with small populations. So not every town will qualify.

So JP and I qualified for a home loan and we decided to go for a short sale to get the most out of it. We knew we wanted a condo being that its a good investment for a first time buyer because when you grow out of it you can easily use it as an income property and rent it out down the line. We immediately knew the place had to be ours. We didnt have to look any further this was it for us and the process began. Because of the home loan we used we didnt have to come up with any down payment, closing costs... NOTHING. It is a 100% financing loan! All we needed was to put down an escrow deposit which was as much as one months rent. So literally we bought our house for less than $2,000... Too good to be true right? Nope its true. We closed and signed the final docs and we are getting our full escrow deposit back even! Our mortgage is LESS than our monthly rent and our place is TWICE its size and like 50+ years newer than the place we were renting... We just feel so blessed... Marriage, new baby and new house... The American DREAM!!!! Thank you Lord we owe it all to God. I have prayed and prayed and prayed for it all and it happened. SOOO happy!!! Thanks everyone for your prayers and for routing for us during this process! We will update with lots of pictures of our new home when its all set up :-D

JP is the model of someone who when they want something they go for it all the way. He never gave up! I am so blessed to have a man who fights so hard for his family and for his dreams! What motivated him was when someone told him at work, "Hey dude, you know you could be owning a home for the amount of rent you are giving to someone else every month right?" That pissed him off and pushed him right into this decision. If you have any questions about the home loan we used we can give you the info of our broker. Carpinteria qualifies by the way friends ;)!

Monday, November 7, 2011

2 Month Update!

As for JP and I at the moment we are just waiting on closing on our home which we are looking to close on the 14th according to our contract. So please keep praying for us that this will happen so we don't have to file an extension. We are so ready to get out of the apartment we are in as the people here are so crazy! Seriously I really don't understand why the owner of the complex approves these people! You would think after kicking out 3 different "families" since we have been here in just over a year that he would go for a different type of applicant? I say families because its mostly just unrelated people living in the units as roommates. Anyway, the condo we are buying is adorable and in a family oriented neighborhood in rural little Nipomo. So excited!!

Hope had her 2 month check up today and all he did was check her weight, height and went over development that we can look forward to. I know this is an extremely controversial topic but JP and I have decided not to vaccinate Hope. Looking at the risks nation wide, state wide and county wide we feel the risks of vaccines outweigh the benefits. There is history on my side of bad reactions to vaccines including my sister and myself. Unfortunately for my sister hers is neurological and Im sure my mom would have rather her had whooping cough and fought it than to have a disability her whole life... Some people have a genetic disposition in being sensitive to the mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde in vaccinations and that is the case with my family so therefore we will not be risking this with Hope. What a lucky baby no shots! Of course I am concerned with her contracting an illness but the way our life goes is we are never promised tomorrow anyways. There is more chance of children choking than contracting a deadly illness and unfortunately this happens everyday. Vaccinations are not a promise of tomorrow and they are not 100% effective. I myself have had the stupid Rubella vaccine three times in my life, I gain no immunity from the vaccine. So in summary of this topic we will live by faith and not by sight and pray for the best <3

Hope's development is right on track and beyond. She is such a strong little girl! She can hold her head up like its nobody's business and has rolled over a few times already! She is smiling all the time and totally thinks she is having conversations with us. Its so adorable. We will make sure to get that on camera soon. I bought an iphone so I will be loading a lot of videos...haha watch out.

The crunchiness just keeps evolving lol... I am so miss granola mom and I have no clue how this happened. I guess I just like to keep things all natural and old school. It just makes sense to me. I have decided I am going to cloth diaper Hope. Not just because disposables are incredibly wasteful in every single way imaginable but because she has very sensitive skin! She rashes very easily and the materials of disposables are not helping at all. Not to mention in rare cases can cause TSS
(Toxic Shock Syndrome)... very scary stuff in those things. So I figure hey lets save literally thousands of $$$ be eco-friendly, get rid of toxic risk to her and buy the insanely ADORABLE cloth diapers for her little toosh. I can tell I am going to get addicted to buying these things they make them SO cute its ridiculous. They are so beneficial in so many ways and even lead to your children potty training far earlier than when they use disposables. You can even pass them down to any future kiddos you have! I would have started earlier but we have to use on site laundry which is so expensive and a hassle getting quarters all the time. But soon we will be in our home with laundry!! EEEK cant wait! The other thing is I am now preparing to make her baby food from scratch! I want to control exactly what goes into her belly by me buying it, washing it, cooking and pureeing it. All 100% Organic of course. Being a stay at home mom I am blessed with having the time to do these things and I am very thankful and feel blessed every day.

I just love being a mom so much I never knew it could be so amazing. My life just makes so much sense and feels so complete when I wake up and see her big beautiful eyes just staring at me. She is such a good baby. She sleeps great. She usually goes to sleep for the night around 10 sometimes 11 and will sleep all the way until 5 or 6AM. The great thing about breastfeeding is not having to get us out of bed to make a bottle. I just feed her right in bed and we fall back asleep. We usually sleep until 9 or 10! Im getting far more sleep than when I was pregnant even! JP and I are having a blast in this new chapter of our lives! I am so excited to see what these coming months will bring forth for our little family. I pray that it will be ALL good things <3!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Baby Blues and the Stress of the First Few Weeks

Hope is doing fabulous. She is growing right on track and hitting her milestones. She is yet to laugh when she is conscious lol... Meaning yes...She laughs in her sleep! lol. It amazes me that she is having a dream that vivid. I wonder what on earth she could be dreaming that would make her laugh!! Love it... She is definitely smiling at us now for sure. When JP came home from work he picked her up and she gave him the biggest smile ever! Everything she does just amazes me.

It is so true, in my case at least, that having a child has changed my life forever. Every thought I have, plan I make, my future dreams and all my interests revolve around her. Its just amazing the 180 life makes once you birth your own flesh and blood. Its just something you cant understand until you have your kids... Nobody can prepare you.

I do want to call attention to something that was really hard for me to talk about after I had her... There is something that commonly happens after you have a baby called "baby blues." I guess about 85% of women experience this and its most likely due to the sudden drop in hormones after giving birth. I'm not talking about postpartum depression as that is a much more severe case which often requires medication. For me the baby blues lasted for about a week and a half. After I had her (im talking about birth) I didn't cry or feel an overwhelming sense of joy. I was more in shock and disbelief. Not to mention after a 24 hour labor with 16 hours of painful active labor and then pushing for almost an hour I was exhausted to say the least. Once the adrenaline and oxytocin rush of hormones hit, she was already taken away from me and getting a bath and diaper etc. These are important hormones for the immediate bonding experience. Then there were so many visitors, of course all loved ones. So everyone was holding her and I was literally stuck in the hospital bed. Giving birth for me was like completing a triathlon that I never even trained for. I was beat up bad.

Once all the visitors left that night and it was just JP, Hope and I; I finally was able to really take a look at her. I remember thinking she is the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life. But there was still a hint of disbelief lingering that maybe this was all a dream. A lot of the disbelief I experienced in pregnancy. "Is there really a baby in there?"

She was born at 9:43AM and by about 10:00PM which normally JP and I would be getting ready for bed which we really needed after the long day and night of labor; Hope started screaming her little head off. JP and I had not been around a newborn for over a decade and had no clue what to do. There was no nursery at the hospital so the nurses couldn't give us a break to get some rest. Breastfeeding was so new for me and not going great either. I remember thinking "oh my gosh what did we do... Are we ready for this?" Then the guilt set in. "Oh no, I'm a bad mom already..." Then all these fears started creeping in. The fear of SIDS...ugh. So I literally couldn't close my eyes because I was so afraid and checking her breathing constantly. By about 4AM I asked the nurse what to do about our sleep situation. She wouldn't sleep in her little rolly bed thingy and she hates being swaddled. I told her all she wants to do is sleep with me on my chest. Is this safe? And thankfully God sent me a nurse that said "yes, it is just fine if you do it safely and to trust your motherly instincts." So I caught about 2 hours of sleep and felt like a new woman with just that little bit of rest.

I still cant say I was completely comfortable with her sleeping with me in the hospital bed, so I just couldn't wait to get home and get some sleep. Well surprise surprise, Hope doesn't like to sleep in her co-sleeper bassinet either... Well what do we do, crap! JP and I decided that we would just have to take shifts at night. I would get some sleep at 7:30PM-12:00AM (waking up to breastfeed of course though) and he would sleep the rest of the night til 4AM or 5AM. This just didn't work and it was so awful and we did this for about three days at home. I was so upset and just didn't know what to do anymore... The lack of sleep wasn't making the baby blues any easier to get past.

I would say by about the 4th day home I said screw it, she is coming to bed with me. JP was in bed sleeping for his shift and I crawled into bed with her in my arm and we slept great and I never looked back. I felt a little guilty because I wasn't sure it was safe but then I did a ton of research. On Dr. Sears site he goes far into depth on co sleeping and its benefits. The major benefit being that it actually REDUCES SIDS... No kidding. Mom acts as a pace maker for baby and will subconsciously bring baby out of a too deep of sleep. Once I caught up on sleep and felt more comfortable with co sleeping and breastfeeding I could feel the baby blues becoming more and more non existent every day. The first week the thought of JP going back to work killed me... I couldn't take the thought of him leaving me alone with the baby. But by the second week i got the hang of being a mom and I was about ready to open the door myself for him to go back to work, haha! Bless his heart he was so helpful but I was ready to have the house to myself again lol.

I'm sharing this because I believe moms shouldn't have to be silent about their feelings. This is a normal occurrence in a new parents experience and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Its not always going to be rainbows and butterfly's for every mom. Not every mom is going to cry and feel overwhelming happiness after birthing their baby. Sometimes it takes a little bit of getting to know your baby and that is just fine. I think if more moms accepted this as a reality and as a normal process that there wouldn't be as many Casey Anthony's out there. Maybe moms like her felt like they failed from the first day and never got past it? Maybe they were suffering postpartum depression even and never recognized they needed immediate help. This doesn't excuse what they did at all, but it could be the beginning of where the problem started.

Being a mom is a job and just like there is grace when you are training for a new job out in the world, there is just that for your new job at motherhood. And then once you get the hang of it there is no looking back. Every day is better and easier than the last. Every day the love for your child grows more and more even when you don't think it is possible to love them any more than you do!! <3 So moral of my blog is, to talk about your feelings in every situation you are in! You are never alone in anything you are feeling.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One Month Update

Little miss Hope is 1 month and 4 days old today :) And this month has been the best month of mine and JP's lives...

Hope is about 8lbs something ounces, i will find out exactly today when we see my lactation consultant. I am exclusively breastfeeding Hope. Never has she tasted a drop of formula. I see a lactation consultant because when we started breastfeeding I was in a lot of physical pain from it and was given whats called a nipple shield. It basically protects them and allows them to heal. Well im completely healed and have been for a while, but now the problem is I cant get this little girl to eat without it! She is addicted and I am so sick of using it now lol... So we are working on weaning her from it but if she doesn't for a while that is fine. Whats important is that she is gaining weight and is eating which she definitely is... I have actually become obsessed with breastfeeding... I love it so much. I love the closeness, hearing her cute little noises, seeing how excited she gets when she is about to eat. I love all the benefits including: preventing many types of childhood illness, allergies, asthma, child obesity, it gives better brain development, they have higher IQ's, it decreases SIDS risk and many more benefits. It goes on and on. It is my GOAL to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months and then we will introduce organic solids. However I still want to breastfeed until she is about two and a half to three years old if she doesn't wean herself... Crossing my fingers. If she does wean herself for whatever reason I have been working on a huge freezer supply of breast milk and it is going awesome! I know formula is not the enemy but it is just not something I want to give her God willing. If we did have to go to formula for whatever reason I would get over it of course. Sometimes things don't work out with breastfeeding and that is what formula is there for. Every day I am able to breastfeed her I am so thankful because I have many friends who weren't able to do it very long for numerous reasons. In those cases formula is anything but the enemy but their childrens life saver!

She is very strong and has been lifting her head up on her own since she was about 5 days old and now she can hold it up for a very long time before she gets tired. She is smiling and is cooing "talking to us". She has the biggest brightest eyes and just loves to look around at the paintings on the wall and gaze into our eyes. She is just so amazing. She has hit every milestone for the two month old age and is even completing some three month milestones! I think its because of the super food, breast milk ;)

I never thought I would be such a "crunchy" mama. Crunchy meaning kind of Breastfeeding, Co Sleeping, Baby Wearing and when we get our house (which is close to happening) i will start cloth diapering her. So in summary Hope is doing absolutely awesome. She is growing and changing every day and we are so enjoying this ride!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Parenting: The good the bad and the ugly

The good would be about 90% of it. Some of the good being how beautiful she is to look at of course. The adorable "jukey" sneeze she does after sneezing twice. When we stare in each others eyes. When she falls asleep when Im breastfeeding her. The cuddling when we sleep at night. Watching her gain weight, grow and get chunky :) Her smiles in her sleep. EVERY adorable expression she makes. The overwhelming feeling that i was created to assist God in bringing this beautiful being into the world... Its just wow. So being that she is two weeks old that pretty much sums up our good parts of our day right now because her development is so limited right now.

The bad is when she cries, but not just any cries, her screaming cry. It BREAKS my heart. When its not your kid its just plain annoying and you can simply walk away. When its your child YOU are the one who has to fix it and when you cant fix it right away it just makes you feel bad which is not a good feeling as a parent. More of the bad is the sleep deprivation. Its difficult being the best parent you can be in the night when you are just so darn tired and grumpy. More of the bad is the constant worry, however I am learning to let go and let God. In the beginning I kept waking up to check her breathing which isn't something you should feel you have to do. Now that I co-sleep with her I feel safe that she is next to me and can hear her soft breathing throughout the night. So in the end screaming cries+feeling like you failed+sleep deprivation+worry=Just needing to be mature. Thats really all it is. You need to put your big girl AND big boy pants (dad) on because at the end of the day, literally it is only 8% of the parenting experience. In MY opinion of course.

The ugly well that would be those adorable diapers :) lol. She even pooped (sprayed) all over my hand. I literally had to catch the spray in my hand so it wouldn't get on the floor lol. Also breastfeeding started out ugly for us. Were talking the biggest beating to your poor, already sensitive from pregnancy, nipples you could imagine!! Ouch is all I can say but were good now and its one of my favorite things about parenting now. The fact I can provide all the nourishment she needs and that it is the best she can get just leaves me at peace.

So to sum it up; the day consists of 90% good, 8% bad and 2% ugly. Again all my opinion as I am blessed with a healthy happy baby for the most part. You just really have to be ready for this, and although I think nobody is really ready until it happens to you; I do recommend living as much life as possible before you have kids. I know I'm only 23 but I do feel I have lived a lot of life. I completed the basics with graduating high school and went to college and completed my field of study that I chose at that time in my life. Ive traveled to Thailand, Jamaica and visited fun places here in the US. I married the love of my life, and high school sweetheart. I have partied, a little too hard at times ;). Had the most awesome 21st birthday (week) a girl could have. Ive wine tasted in wine country. Left our home town and moved to a new county. Managed an awesome little coffee shop. Worked in a world famous gorgeous sycamore springs spa. This is to name a few things in my past, some im proud of some not so None of it compares to this year though... Becoming pregnant for the second time, getting closer to God and then giving birth to my daughter!! Everything i have done has led up to this.

Some of my friends have had children very young and have done an awesome job. I myself can't say with certainty that if i hadn't gotten some good life experience behind me that I would have been able to truly settle down and enjoy this time. But people make it work and adjust everyday at any age. I guess what I'm trying to say to those of you who don't have children yet, get to a place in life that you are really ready for this amazing responsibility. Get your selfish wants, needs and experiences done and behind you. Go nuts with whatever!! I feel this will allow you to become the selfless parent we are destined to be. Lets face it, when they come into the world it is ALL about them and no more "me" :)

And us parents need to remember, its not over, It's the beginning!! We have to put some things on hold while they are so small but they will get to an age where we need to expose them with TONS of memories and experiences. Therefore more traveling down the line and getting back into hobbies and sports to name a few. I'm so excited for our future and cant wait to see what God has for us :)!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Our Parenting Style and Goals

Having a child makes you think more about the future than I ever could have realized. All of a sudden I am filled with all these dreams and goals for our daughter. And she will barely be two weeks tomorrow!

We have picked up and are researching and studying the attachment parenting method extensively. Basically it is about closeness, attachment, affection and treating your child even in infancy with dignity and respect. You treat them the way you want them to treat others when they grow older. This method is also effective in preventing violence in your children. Its a parenting method that strongly believes in breastfeeding, safe co sleeping and giving your child an abundance of affection and positive discipline. In my mind this is natural and there is no other way I would want to go.

Breastfeeding has been going so much better now. It makes me feel so good that she is getting the perfect nutrition for her development. There are so many benefits even that manifest later in life such as helping to prevent childhood and adolescent obesity. By giving her such amazing nutrition I have been thinking about when she is older and no longer breastfeeding. Being a stay at home mom I am going to make it my focus to always feed her optimal nutrition. I know happy meals and things like this are convenient to parents when they are busy but it is my goal to never feed her these things. I believe that by never introducing these kinds of food to her she wont care for them when she is older. The proof to this theory is actually related to myself. My mom would NEVER allow us to drink soda as kids. It was never in our fridge and just never an option for us even into our young adolescent years. To this day I am not a soda drinker, I never developed a taste for it and the carbonation bothers me. When I was a child and I got soda either from grandma or kother friends I didn't go crazy for it because it was "off limits". It was just a drin that made my nose hurt lol. So hopefully this theory plays out true for Hope and she wont develop a taste for fast food. We will see :-D

I am not preaching my parenting method I am simply just sharing it. This will be our method because our lives allow this and we are blessed by that. I am so blessed to be a stay at home mom and to dedicate my life to raising our daughter and any other children we have down the road. For the first time in my life I feel fulfilled. I was always searching for what my life's calling would be. I have changed my college major about four times... The day Hope was born it all made sense. I was created to be a full time mother and praise the Lord that he has given us the means for me to fulfill this duty. Do we have to go without some things? Of course we do but its so worth it! For the moms that have to work I respect you for working TWO jobs!! This one job is hard enough! I will continue to learn every day and hopefully progress every day!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Our Parenting Journey Thus Far...

I really wanted to write a post when we got home from the hospital but that didn't happen. Then I wanted to write a post about her being a week old... That didn't happen either... Lol so here we are attempting it at 10 days while Hope is taking a nap :)

Having a baby is the most challenging occurrence to ever happen in my life. It is so much harder than I ever could have thought. I always watched teen mom and 16 and pregnant and I couldn't understand why these girls couldn't just step up and do their job. I can't say at their age I would have been any good at this either... It takes patience, support, selflessness but most importantly dedication. I am 100% dedicated to being the best mother I can be to her because she deserves nothing less.

JP has been such a great support for me. He is the most amazing dad. He loves to change her diapers, get her dressed, brush her hair and I would love to do those things more often too lol but ill let him enjoy it before he goes back to work. After all with breastfeeding she and i have our special bond through that.

Speaking of breastfeeding... OMG! I remember the week before I had her I was saying "I cant wait to have her in my arms so I can breastfeed her." I had this beautiful peaceful image of that the entire pregnancy. Well it didn't happen that way at all. It has been just as excruciating as labor. And I had a natural birth... She tore me up and it was so sad because I dreaded feeding her and she eats every hour and a half to two hours. At 2AM one morning I was tempted to just quit and go buy her some enfamil... But I decided to stick it out and talk to her pediatrician. He referred me to a lactation consultant who listened to me unlike the ones in the hospital. The ladies in the hospital kept saying I just have to get her to latch better and the pain will go away. Don't you think I tried that? My lactation consultant discovered Hope is a tongue sucker keeping her tongue in front and sometimes on top which resulted in a lot of "chewing" Ouch... So she got me a breast shield and I have been on the road to recovery since and Hope has been getting more food than she can handle sometimes lol.. I am so thankful that I was able to stick to this because it is the best thing for her and for me in the end.

Regardless of the sleepless nights, breastfeeding drama, not being able to get up and go everywhere none of these come close to getting in the way of our obsession with her... She is the most beautiful thing we have ever seen. Every day all day all we can do is look at her and say "omgosh she is gorgeous" "crap she is adorable" lol all day every day. All I can do is take pictures and stare at her when she sleeps. She is such a miracle.

Like many of you know I had a miscarriage in July 2010 and it has been the most painful thing to ever happen to us. I was due with that baby in January 2011 but had I not miscarried then we wouldn't have our little Hope. I got pregnant with her in December of 2010 :) They call a baby you give birth to after a loss your "rainbow" baby. The rainbow at the end of the storm... And she truly is that. I wish my grandma Lettie were here I would have loved to see her reaction to her... But I know she is watching us from heaven and so proud :)

It feels like only a couple days ago I gave birth to this little beauty and here she is 10 days old already. It makes me think about how quickly my little sisters have grown up. With her being my own its probably going to go twice as fast which makes me sad. I want her to stay this size forever :( I can't wait to walk hand in hand with my husband through this parenting journey and watch her grow into the beautiful woman she was created to become... Praise God for giving us this opportunity!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hope Has Arrived!! (My labor & delivery story)

Hope Leticia was born at 9:43AM on 9/7/11. She weighed 6lbs 10oz and is 19 1/2 inches long. She has lots of dark brown hair and is so gorgeous!

On Monday night JP and I made cinnamon tea which is one of those old wives tales to jump start labor if your body is ready. You just boil cinnamon sticks and then we added mexican hot chocolate, I figured hey at least its yummy. I woke up Tuesday morning to my bloody show..eeew lol. And I was like hmmm interesting. I started feeling crampy all day and then started having timeable braxton hicks which then turned into real contractions at about 5pm though they were still manageable. By about 10pm I knew they weren't going away and they were stronger so we headed to labor and delivery. I got checked and my contractions were about 4 minutes apart, very strong and I was almost 4cm dilated so they admitted me.

Once we got in our room is pretty much when things got intense. But about midnight there was no going back I was in labor and it would not stop until she got here. I prepared a natural birth plan and I was determined to stick to it. My mom came to help JP and I with support. My real labor started about 1AM. All I can remember was getting to this point where just tensing up during contractions wasn't cutting it. I got to the point where I needed to moan and groan through them and channel my energy out instead of holding it in. I got a tub room not to give birth in the tub but to use it as a natural pain relief. I was only in there for like an hour lol. It wasn't for me. It got really hot and it wasn't comfortable for me to sit in there at all. I wanted to labor mostly laying on my left side in the bed. I was just so tired and would try to doze in between contractions. I labored in the bathroom sitting on the toilet for some reason that just felt right to me sometimes. I sat and bounced on the birthing ball where JP put pressure on my back. But I always found myself getting back in bed. About 5AM i was exhausted and about to go into transition. I remember crying to JP in the bathroom "Would it be horrible if i wanted an epidural, have I come too far?" He said yes you have come too far. And I had already accepted that. When I got to transition and could no longer groan through the contractions I was literally screaming/groaning which made me sound like an opera singer. And then I started feeling the urge to push around 7-8CM and then progressed quickly to 10. My Dr. broke my water because it never broke so we could bring baby down lower and I started pushing! It was the scariest feeling I ever had. My body just took over and the urge was so overwhelming I couldn't stop. I was screaming and crying and the Dr. told me to just channel that energy into my pushing and after 45 min. of pushing she was born. It was so ouchie and I got a 2nd degree tear but when she came out it was like instant physical relief and overwhelming happiness. I was exhausted but so proud of myself that I did it! I couldn't believe it.

Hope is so beautiful and we can't imagine our lives without her. Last night was scary because she just kept crying and we couldn't get her to stop and we were exhausted after my 16 hour labor and then the full day of having a new baby. But the love we have for her outweighs all the hardships.

For those of you who have not had kids yet or those who do and are having more I really do recommend a natural birth. Our bodies were truly made for this and its instinctual you just do it. After she was born I had a surge in my natural hormones and adrenaline and I was so pumped up and not tired at all for the whole day. I was able to get up right away because I wasn't numbed. There were no drugs in my system or hers it was just us two in a natural physical state. It was beautiful. I know they say you don't get a gold star if you go natural but the sense of accomplishment i have nobody can ever take that away from me. I know in some cases things happen and C-sections are inevitable and for the safety of yourself and your baby I absolutely know there is no way around it and you need to do it for your baby and yourself of course. But if you are healthy with no pregnancy complications and your pregnancy and labor is going normally, then just go for it! If I could do it ANYONE can do it :-D

Thursday, September 1, 2011

39 Weeks Preggo...

Yes I am still pregnant... Kind of hoping this may be my last weekly pregnancy blog and that next week ill be blogging about our delivery... But who knows... blah

At my doctors appointment this week she was going to sweep my membranes since I'm 39 weeks HOWEVER; I'm still not But I did efface more and baby's head is lower so Dr. said its definitely progress and all is still on track to go into labor at any time.

This week i have been really tired, sleepy and just plain lazy. I don't want to do anything at all. I take naps every day and am laying around on my computer and watching Friends. I want to enjoy being a couch potato for who knows how long I have left because I will never get that back. And those of you who know me well know that I enjoy my lazy time! But I still can't wait for the baby to get here, but I am a little nervous. I was feeling nervous in the beginning and then it went away until this week. The reality is starting to set in that I am going to have to go through labor and delivery, postpartum recovery, breastfeeding and being a full time mommy. It is going to be a huge change in our lives.

Little miss Hope has been very active in the night the past few nights. Like non stop wiggling and rolling her knees back and forth across my belly. It hurts like really bad, lol but it is SOO cool! I am going to miss feeling and seeing her move in my belly so much. It is the most incredible experience of my life thus far.

We love you little Hope Leticia!! Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you so come out soon okay :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

38 Weeks

I am still pregnant and honestly still loving every minute of it... okay almost every minute of it lol. Her movement is so crazy this week, i can literally see her foot poking out and I can even grab it a little bit. So creepy and cool. It does hurt though, like my uterus feels sore and its pretty much at capacity now... But i guess baby's growth and weight gain slows down now and the organs are just finishing up maturity. So I sit here waiting to feel a gush of water or a painful contraction but I mean I'm still two weeks before my due date. I got checked at the doctor yesterday and I am not dilated but i am about 60% effaced and baby's head is way low and she is getting all set in position. So it really could be any time. The average for first time moms is 40-41 weeks though.

We are all ready for her though. Her room is ready, car seat, the hospital bag and mommy and daddy are for the most part ready. I'm getting restless legs though. I feel like i haven't used my body in such a long time, I just want to go on a sprint, or a jog, do push ups and sit ups, jump around and dance lol. But instead JP and i are just doing walks around our neighborhood. Nothing too strenuous so if I go into labor I have my energy. I could have been working out in the beginning but I have been paranoid this pregnancy. I hate to admit... With having a miscarriage before I have honestly been afraid to move much which has resulted in more weight gain than I needed to gain and loosing muscle. But its almost over and I will have my little girl here and I am going to work my butt off to bring her into this world as naturally as possible. I pray that I will progress on my own, withstand transition and listen to my body when it comes time to push and get her out all on my own NO DRUGS PLEASE PLEASE. I know i can do it, women have been doing it since the beginning of man after all! However if I dont I will try my best to not have guilt or feel like a failure... After all you just can't plan the labor and delivery, it is often times out of your control. I do have a great OB though who is on board with my plan and the nurses and hospital we are delivering at are all for natural births. Only a 11% C-Section rate there!

Keep watch.. I will be posting updates on Facebook when I go into labor and of course we will get pictures up asap. But as of now, its a waiting game :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

37 Weeks (Full Term)

So we are now officially FULL TERM! Meaning little Hope can come any day now and everything will most likely be fine :) In fact I was born at 37 weeks 1 day and hey I turned out fine ;) lol. However I haven't had any contractions... Not much cramping... So I'm thinking she is going to stay in for a little while longer but who knows? I just cant believe the time is coming. It is something I have thought about my entire life and its just a few weeks away now... What will it be like when they pull her out of me? How will I feel, how will JP feel? I just know that our lives will never be the same. We will be parents, this is something we have been waiting and hoping for, for such a long time....

So our nursery for her is completely done. JP cleaned the carpets last week so they look good as new. All of her things are washed and ready to be used. I got her car seat installed by a CHP officer today and interviewed and really liked the pediatrician. He only does vaccines 2 maximum per appt. and allows you to be selective which is what we wanted. We want to spread them out as long as possible. I dont want her getting pumped up with 5+ vaccines in a visit. That wouldn't be good for anyone and is just so unnecessary in my opinion. But anyway that wont be a problem with this pediatrician.

My grandma Lettie's funeral was this past Tuesday... JP and I made the trip up to Riverside because I would never forgive myself if i missed my beloved grandma's funeral. It was a beautiful service and reception. I wish I had the strength to get up and speak and share some memories I have with my grandma and to share that i am currently expecting her first great grandchild who we are naming in honor of her... but i just didn't have the strength. And everyone in the family already knows, and grandma knows which is all that matters. It was nice to see all the family come together... still doesn't seem real that she is no longer here though. I know that baby Hope will be the light in this sad time in our lives...

So the countdown begins... When will Hope Leticia come into the world?? I'm going to make a guess date of Sept. 3rd :-P But earlier would be awesome too!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

36 Weeks (The 9th and final month!)

So I am 36 weeks pregnant today. As you can see from my previous post, my grandma passed away this week. Before her surgery I really thought that she would be around until the baby was born, but unfortunately after this last surgery that was just not possible. Even if she were still alive, she was alive for the past month but not present...

My heart was breaking for grandma because she so wanted to meet her first great grandchild. At my baby shower in Riverside she was sitting on the couch and looked up to the sky and said "Lord please just let me meet this baby." And here she goes one month before she is due. But then I realized something... She did get to meet her first great grandchild because I miscarried my first child.... So she literally gets her first great grandchild all to herself! :) The Lords plan is perfect. I miscarried my first baby in July of 2010 and about a week or so later I learned my grandma had cancer. It was like, for crying out loud what is going on in the world. But then I got pregnant again in December of 2010 when I still would have been pregnant with my first baby... So its as if the Lord wanted my first baby in heaven to greet grandma and then the Lord has blessed us with little Hope to have here all in the shortest span... Obviously I will never know God's plan but I do know this was not by accident...

So basically I am just going to do my best to hold it together the best I possibly can at my grandma's service. I dont want to go into early labor by loosing it completely and stressing the baby out... Its so much easier said than done though... But I'll have JP there who is my rock...

Well on a lighter note I am now in the 9th month and the countdown can begin... When will baby Hope come? Will it be at full term which starts next week? Will she be born on or around her due date? Will she be born late?? :-P Lets see what happens!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Grandma Lettie... 12/10/1935-08/08/2011

I woke up to the news that my beautiful Grandma Lettie passed away in the night last night. She had been battling gall bladder cancer for the past year. She was diagnosed in July of 2010 and it was a huge and devastating shock to our family. After an unsuccessful surgery to try to remove the tumor last year they decided to do radiation and chemotherapy. It did help shrink the tumor and doctors recently decided to take another shot at removing the tumor. Again it was unsuccessful due to its location near her vena cava. She could no longer get radiation and her body could no longer withstand the chemo. Her health diminished very quickly with the cease in treatment.

I somewhat came to terms that my grandma was gone in December of last year. My dad and I came down to spend her birthday with her and it really was a beautiful thing. The doctors said she wouldn't live past three months of July, so to spend that birthday with her was a very special thing. However even though her treatment was making progress and she was still here I could still see the pain. It is not easy watching someone you love so much suffering. That has been the worst thing of this whole experience. She was feeling so sick and in a lot of abdominal pain. If you knew my grandma you knew she loved to laugh, eat and just enjoy her children and grandchildren with smothering us with hugs and kisses and individual attention. Unfortunately the cancer this past year and half or so had robbed her of her favorite joys.

When my dad called me this morning and told me she passed I felt peace and comfort. I was still a little shocked because it has been news we have been waiting to hear for a long time. The anticipation of the inevitable was finally over. And I know that my grandma Lettie is her loving and happy self in heaven. She taught me a lot about faith my whole life. She was a devout Catholic and I grew up learning about God, Jesus, saints and angels. She always had these cards with scripture and my favorite was a picture she had of two little kids (a boy and a girl) walking across a bridge with a HUGE guardian angel protecting them. My favorite thing about my grandma's faith is that she was not prejudice with the Christianity denominations. She loved her Catholic mass but she also loved to go to Reality and hear pastor Britt speak and went to Harvest with my aunts in Riverside. She always taught us that God is the same but we all grow up with our own traditions of worshiping hm. Gosh she was so amazing.

When she came to Carpinteria to visit us growing up Joey and I would be so happy and excited. We knew we were going to feel very special for the weekend. She had a way of making you feel like you are the most important and special person in the world. We had a tradition where we would wake her up at 6am when she spent the night and she would take us to Tyler's donuts and we would each get a donut and hot chocolate. We would go out to Jelly Bowl and sit on the log that sits on the bluffs over looking the ocean. She always told me and Joey that when she passed away one day when we were much older that she wanted her ashes spread on that beach... I really hope we can fulfill that wish for her.

2010 was a horrible year for our family. Its the year my parents split up, my grandma got sick and diagnosed with cancer and at that same time JP and I miscarried our first child. I refuse to see this year as anything but a blessing. This year 2011 is the year that my grandma went to heaven and no longer has to suffer and its the year I will be giving birth to our first daughter who is named Hope Leticia in honor of her great grandmother Lettie.

Grandma i will honor you by raising Hope the exact way you raised my dad, aunts, uncles and us grandchildren. And she will grow up hearing about her great grandma Lettie who wanted to meet her so bad. The most beautiful and incredible woman anyone has ever known.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

35 Weeks!

Here we are in the home stretch!!! Can't believe how fast this third trimester is going by. I am very uncomfortable especially because I carry her so high but I seriously LOVE every second of it. I love every second because its my daughter in there! Every painful movement I just want to praise God. Like Ive said before, previous pregnancy loss changes the way you see and feel about any future pregnancies. I dont want to take one day for granted that I have her with me! I just can't wait to meet her! So I have 5 weeks until my due date, however she could come as early as 2 weeks and still be considered full term. I was born at 37 weeks so its not like its impossible! But I trust my body to let her cook as long as she needs. I dont believe babies come when "their" ready, I believe it to be a hormonal trigger in your body. Just like a period, when its time its just time and she will roll with the ride regardless.

A little update on the house situation. We got final approval on our home loan which is a HUGE stress off our shoulders, HOWEVER we are STILL waiting on the bank to accept the short sale offer. It is taking forever!!! So we are going to have to set up her nursery here at our current place for now so i dont go crazy and feel so unprepared. Her room looks like babies r us threw up in there... haha it is a huge mess. But we will get it all figured out in the next couple weeks or so. My birthday is tomorrow so this will hold the room off for just one more week :) Were going to celebrate the best we can! :-P

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Baby Shower

My mom, sister in law and mother in law threw me a baby shower this past weekend. It was held at a Hall in the church my mom works at. It was just beautiful. My sister in law Natasha has a way with decorations that nobody can match up to! There was so much family and friends there that I wanted to cry a few times lol... Little Hope was blessed with so many adorable outfits, handmade clothes and blankets and baby accessories! She is one spoiled little girl. :)

Ive noticed being this far along that I have been in a permanent "fog" so to speak. Unfortunately I don't really remember all the details all that well and so Im going to need to rely on the picture family took. I wish I could have talked to more people but my butt was glued to the chair and I was just kind of oblivious lol... Same thing happened at my first shower and all my family was like, Are you okay?? Are you sad?? Lol No not at all Im just pregnant i guess...haha. All I want to do 24/7 is crawl in bed and take a nap!! But I am so grateful to all the generosity we have been showered with. I am trying to enjoy these last weeks as much as I can but its not a walk in the park. Love you all who came to the shower and for those of you that tried! xoxoxo Can't wait for everyone to meet little Hope Leticia!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

34 Weeks :)

I am 34 weeks today which means 6 weeks until my due date!! Wow. If she is born when i was born which was at 37 weeks then that means just 3 weeks left, omgosh I dont think so though lol. I wake up about 4 times a night to pee, but for the most part she is sleeping through most of the night in my belly lol. Lets see if she keeps that schedule up when she is born. My baby shower is this Saturday and I am so excited to celebrate little Hope with my family and friends. I will also be doing some maternity pictures and will post those as well as a baby shower post so stay tuned!!

We are still waiting on word from the house but or broker is moving our loan along and it seems to be going really well. Just asking for continued prayers for a smooth process!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

33 Weeks :)

We hit 33 weeks on Thursday this week :) Honestly there is not much new going on at all. We are still waiting to hear something from the bank on the house and were just dealing with annoying loan approval stuff. My main concern is getting this house CLEAN, which just doesn't seem to happen no matter how hard I try. Its such an old house and its just so annoying, ugh!!!

The baby's movements are becoming so strong! Its hard to think what the next seven weeks will bring because sometimes I feel like I can't handle the pain in my ribs or the pokes in front of my belly. But no matter how painful they are I am just so happy, so blessed to be feeling this moving child in my belly. I realized that had we not had the miscarriage last year in July I wouldn't be pregnant with Hope right now... I got pregnant with her in December 2010 and our first baby was due January 22, 2011. So its just weird how things are meant to happen and only God knows the reasons. We just gotta roll with it :) And I have an amazing husband who has held my hand and head through so many ups and downs this past year. He is incredible. I love you so much JP, you are an incredible husband and Hope is so blessed to have a daddy like you!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

32 Weeks (Riverside Baby Shower)

We hit 32 weeks yesterday :) Only 8 more weeks to go. We got a new car last week, the '07 Hyundai Sonata! So we are stoked to be set on our car situation. We are still waiting on the house though... But its okay.

This past weekend my Aunts on my dad's side threw me a baby shower. It was so adorable, beautiful and classy. My grandma Lettie was there, my cousins, 2nd cousins, great aunt and a few close friends of the family. Baby Hope was showered with gifts that are over flowing her crib right now. Every single outfit she received was absolutely adorable! She is going to be one stylish little baby :) We stayed at my uncle's house for the weekend and his wife, my aunt was super hostess for the weekend. She was so considerate and helpful which meant a lot to me being that it was a long way from home being this pregnant. I really appreciated all the generosity from my whole family for the weekend, it was quite overwhelming. My grandma Lettie bought baby Hope a Graco Stroller with matching car seat and I was floored. I'm so excited to push her in her stroller given to her by her great grandma! So special... :)

Unfortunately it was a wake up call to my grandma's health this weekend. She was in a lot of pain and just not feeling well. I felt blessed that I got to do her hair for my shower, although I was a little nervous lol. She loved it though and she looked beautiful and it made me feel good to do that for her :) She had her final go at surgery today which did not go as we had hoped it would... They were still not able to take out the tumor or gall bladder and they will not be trying again... She will not be doing any more radiation and chemo because it is no longer effective. The focus will be keeping her pain under control and us spending as much time as we possibly can with her. Sadly I will not be around much due to being 5 hours away at 8 months pregnant... I know she knows how much I love her and she is the greatest woman I have ever known and WILL ever know... This is why we are naming our baby Hope Leticia... For my grandma Lettie. I love you grandma!

As for little miss Hope Leticia she is getting sooo big and giving mommy very uncomfortable kicks and rolls. I seriously love every single one and I would go through it all day every day if that's what she wanted to do lol.

Just please keep our family in your prayers. That my grandma can be comfortable and pain free, for my family to be strong with what life brings next and that baby Hope is growing strong and on track and will be born healthy :) That is ALL I care about right now.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

31 Weeks

Only 9 more weeks to go! We are in the single digit count down as far as weeks!!! eeek cant believe it. There is sooo much to do! Because there is SO much to do I decided I will not stress out about it, I will do the bare minimum and give all our problems to God. We were in quite a bit of a pickle with our car situation. JP and I bought a '03 Ford Ranger almost 2 years ago. We bought it when it already had 100,000 miles on it and was over priced at 11,000. But hey you live and you learn. So the truck had a cab in the back but not a back seat, so absolutely no way to put a baby in there. We also have a '01 Jetta which I have had since high school. Ever since it hit 70,000 mileage it has had nothing but problems. Clutch went out, check engine light came on, started turning off while driving etc etc. We just couldn't afford to fix it constantly and its not even worth the investment. Not to mention I did not feel safe putting my baby in that car. So even though we are in the red on JP's Ranger as far as what we owe we took both cars to the dealership yesterday to see what can possibly be done to get us out of this hole.... We looked at a few used cars that were in our price range and we came upon the '07 Hyundai. Great price, great on gas, warranty and moderate mileage. So we went for it and after a lot of stress with the dealer they finally worked with us in a price range that will work lol. So we are going to go sign the paper work in a few hours and we will have ONE car that works and that is safe for a baby and will save us on gas! YAY now we just need to get the Im not stressing, its not worth the stress.

Baby Hope is doing great, she is getting sooo big. She rolls and rolls around and man it hurts sometimes but I LOVE every single movement from her. It is such a blessing to be carrying a healthy child after what we went through last year... You just always have to have hope...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Please Lord...

Today I am feeling sort of anxious about the house... but I need to hold on to the bible saying do not be anxious for anything and to make your requests known to the Lord. This home buying process is a hard thing all on its own and then to throw the fact that we are trying to buy a short sale? However I know God is a BIG BIG God and he is bigger than the house, the bank and the entire real estate industry. I just pray that he lets us get this house. I pray that he will provide all the funds that it will require. I pray that we can move in before or shortly after Hope is born... We are praying for a miracle... And holding on to the fact if we dont get it that there is something better. Will keep you posted...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

This 4th of July is very different...

This time last year JP and I were in Carpinteria staying with his dad and step mom for 4th of July weekend. All our family had plans except my dad so we decided we would go over to his condo for a bbq. We were having a good time even had our suits on because we wanted to go swimming as well. It was about 1:00pm and I got up to go to the bathroom and there it was...blood. I was devastated and I just knew this was bad. I was 11 weeks and had had no previous bleeding at all so why now. My holiday was over from that point on. We went back to Tony and Laura's so I could lay down and we left early the next morning. That Tuesday our worst fears were confirmed. It was the most devastating thing we have ever gone through.

I guess today on this 4th of July weekend I am counting my blessings. I have a beautiful baby girl kicking in my belly and we are almost to the finish line. God has a plan and we can never give up Hope!

Friday, July 1, 2011

30 Weeks!!

Hit 30 weeks yesterday, JP is FREAKING out... lol! He said this has gone by way faster than he thought, just 10 more weeks to go! EEK! We are so excited though. I am going to try and enjoy the rest of the time to just rest, spend time with JP and enjoy the peace and quiet :) However I am extremely anxious to meet our little girl. I am also anxious about the birth because we are planning on a NON medicated birth. No pitocin, no epidural and hopefully no IV either. I plan on walking, breathing and hanging out in the birthing tub for natural pain relief (although I know it will only relieve like 20% of the pain... maybe if Im lucky! lol. We start our birthing classes on Tuesday and we are really excited!

An update on what is going on with the house. So we made an offer at the asking price on a short sale in Nipomo. It is a condo in a PUD. Super cute and they are pretty new. The owners accepted our offer and the property is already an approved short sale, however the bank still needs to accept OUR offer which could take 4-6 weeks... So basically it is going to be a LONG wait until we know if we are going to get this house or not. If not we will keep looking, but we are really really praying that we get this.... We need to get out of our apartment asap especially with the baby coming, I am not comfortable with her living in this old noisy place. So please please pray for us that this process will be smooth sailing all the way through. We have faith that God is taking us where he wants us to go and we are praying for this to be in his favor for us.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


29 weeks and two days today. I just had to share this picture illustrating her little growth spurt as well as my back pain!! Owie! :) Loving every minute of it though!

We are still waiting to hear if the owners accepted our offer on the house!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

29 Weeks!

Here we are our last week of the 20's hehe. Almost 3/4ths done! I have gained about 23lbs thus far... The majority has piled on in the last month out of nowhere. However I am not as hungry as I was a month ago, in fact a little nausea is starting to come back but no vomiting so far, knock on wood... But baby is getting bigger, im getting puffier but its for a good cause :).

JP and I are so excited for our little girl to come and we have been trying to make the necessary plans that will allow us to raise her in an environment we are comfortable with. We have actually been in the beginning process of trying to buy our first place. We actually put an offer in on a condo in Nipomo yesterday and we are waiting to see if we can go further with that. I have been diligently praying and trusting that if this is our house then the Lord will provide us with it. If it doesnt go through, then he has something BETTER for us. And we just have to hold on to faith. This is the verse that i am holding near to my heart throughout this home buying process and our baby journey:

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6,7

I ask for prayer that we can be patient and trust in God no matter what he does or where he takes us. We do really want this home and we are praying very hard that if it is his will he will open the opportunity to us... :) Please pray for us and for our little baby girl!

28 weeks

Friday, June 10, 2011

27 weeks :)

So we hit 27 weeks yesterday. This is the last week of the second trimester! I remember being in the middle of my first trimester like yesterday... Lol glad we are coming up on the third though, I am sooo ready to meet this little girl! I love feeling her get bigger and stronger every day. Every week is such an accomplishment. Mommy and daddy love you baby Hope Leticia!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

26 Weeks!!

I am 26 weeks today. Grandpa Tony and Grandma Laura bought baby Hope's crib and it arrived this week :) So we set that up. It was a super fun thing for JP and i to do together. When her mattress arrived through Fed Ex I actually looked at it in the living room and started crying... The thought of my daughter sleeping on that mattress in just 3 months was so overwhelming and special. And no you cant blame pregnancy hormones, i have not been a crazy emotional crier in this pregnancy or anything. I am just hoping the rest of the time goes by fast because I want my little girl safely here in my arms :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

25 Weeks

Here we are at 25 weeks already... Only 15 more weeks to go! Wow... This week I have been having a little anxiety about baby coming. Budgeting questions, is the house going to be clean enough? What about air quality? We need a dresser for her room and we need to clean the carpets. Will we be able to save a down payment to move into a nicer place in the next year? What about my relationship with JP, how is it going to change when she comes? All these questions and concerns but I am pretty good at turning it off and distracting myself with tv or computer, but I guess that is kind of running away from the issues. I dont know, at the same time though I am just so excited for her to come and for us to be a family. Her movements are so incredible, I can feel this little body rubbing across my belly and it makes me just want to touch her hand or foot, but gotta wait. :) I love her so much...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

24 Weeks!

Wow it is an amazing feeling to hit 24 weeks. I guess this is also the week when you hit "viability" and if for any reason you go into early labor they could intervene and baby would go to NICU. Of course we do not want that this early, but it is still a comforting milestone. Instead of spastic movement from Hope I feel her turning around and stretching more. I am officially in my 6th month! Wow 6 months pregnant... Very cool. We cleaned out her room last weekend and are excited to start getting her room ready :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

23 Weeks

I missed posting for the 22 weeks post but it was a whirlwind week with finding out our baby is a little girl!! :) We are so excited for our baby Hope and feel so unbelievably blessed... At 23 weeks there is not much different as far as symptoms. I do seem to be feeling better and better as the weeks go on though. I am comfortable and nesting. I figure to get the ball rolling now before i get too huge to be able to do anything. Hope is a pretty active little girl and I LOVE and appreciate every kick and squirm that I feel from her. We are getting closer and closer every week and it is an amazing feeling to know that at the end of summer we will be having our baby girl!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Its a Girl!!

We found out yesterday May 3rd that we are having a little baby girl!! I was not surprised at all, I had a gut feeling all along. However my hubby was convinced all along that it was a boy hehe! However he is so happy and this little girl is going to be a daddy's girl all the way! We are naming her Hope Leticia Jimenez. We are so excited to meet her this fall, we love her soooo much!!! Time to start getting ready now!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tomorrow is the big day....

So tomorrow is our anatomy ultrasound and hopefully we will find out the little ones gender too... I am just enjoying this last night of being ignorant to all information. I am hopeful that everything is just fine though :) I also have no preference as to gender because this is our first and we are just so thrilled to be given this gift! We are excited to know though so we can truly start the bonding process and calling baby by name :) I will update on our news tomorrow!

My ticker

 BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, April 28, 2011

21 Weeks :)

I decided to get back on track as far as the days that my weeks change :) So today I am 21 weeks. In the beginning of pregnancy its "fun" to see all the symptom changes week to week and SO much changes with the baby every week in the beginning. However now its just all about baby getting bigger, fatter and stronger.

I still get nauseous here and there and dry heave some mornings, sorry TMI. But mainly now its the dull aches that are my only symptom. There is a lot of stretching going on in there and you can definitely feel it some days more than others. Today its my high right side but could be gas too :-P lol....

We have our anatomy ultrasound on Tuesday and I am freaking out! I am so nervous and excited. I feel our little person stronger all the time and can see it on the outside of my belly :) Its fun but stressful because now I monitor movements all day and I am a super obsessive person lol. But baby is strong and I can feel he or she is doing well :) So we only have 19 more weeks to go!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

20 Weeks!

As of Thursday I am 20 weeks pregnant :) You can really tell I am showing now and the little one moves and kicks often throughout the day. I am so excited to be half way through my pregnancy! So now the countdown truly begins. Every week we are closer! We have our anatomy scan on May 3rd and we are kind of going crazy waiting for it! Then we will know if we are team pink or blue! It was a beautiful Easter weekend with our families and I enjoy every minute I am expecting and sharing the experience with my family :) So far Laura and JP are the only ones who have felt the baby kick!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

19 Weeks

So we hit 19 weeks on Thursday and my belly has finally popped out! Ive been waiting forever it seems haha. Been feeling baby move pretty regularly, some days more than others but its all normal I guess. We are almost half way!! woo hoo!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

18 Weeks

So I hit 18 weeks on Thursday! :) i have been feeling the movement getting a little stronger but still waiting for it to get regular, but that wont be for another month or so. I had a check up at my OB office and heard baby's heartbeat which was 140 bpm. We also discussed the beginnings of a birth plan. I am getting pretty serious about a natural childbirth, No meds no epidural. Not because you get some award for this, I am just paranoid about risks and don't want to take any risks at all. It will be hard but its time to start preparing mentally now! I originally lost 9lbs in my first trimester but have gained 4 back since my last appt. So hopefully it will stay at this steady rate :) As for a bump everyone wants pictures but its just not very obvious yet.When I "pop" out then a picture will come up :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

17 Weeks! :)

Every week that we reach the next number feels like such a milestone. I went on vacation with my mom and sisters this week to Texas to see my grandpa and have been feeling a lot more movement. Especially the last couple days. Feels like a little pop and squirm. Today when JP and I were vegging out on the couch I started feeling pretty strong pokes and its always in the same area which is still pretty low. I grabbed his fingers to see if he could feel and he got kicked too and we both jumped! haha it was such a cool experience to share with him. I can only imagine that they are going to get stronger and more often in the weeks to come.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

16 Weeks Preggo

So today I am officially in my 16th week according to my due date of September 8th. However at the ultrasound last week the tech said I was measuring a few days ahead, but they don't change the due date if its only within a few days.

My symptoms are inconsistent now that I am in the second trimester. As much as I want to say I am feeling all better and ready to jump around an clean I'm just not there yet. My nausea seems to come in the evening but it is very mild compared to what I went through the first 14 weeks, yikes... lol. It amazed me on our ultrasound last week to see that the baby grew so well because I lost 9lbs in the pregnancy and hardly was able to eat or drink anything. So now im starting to eat more on a regular basis and drink a lot more water. I often feel stretching in my tummy and am starting to feel those little flutters :) My tummy is poking out a bit too but with 5 more months still to go there is plenty of time for the real growing to start lol.

A touching moment the other day. JP and I went to Costco and he was all of a sudden overwhelmed with happiness and put his hand on my tummy and said "I love my little family :)" It was very cool. Because it is still early so it still doesn't feel real most days. I cant wait for the fun stuff in the next few months. Feeling those big kicks and having the belly that I cant hide!!

We Love You Baby J!! xoxoxo

Monday, March 21, 2011

Baby Jimenez Is on the Way!

I am currently 15 weeks pregnant in our second pregnancy! :)
As you can read below we had a missed miscarriage with our first pregnancy sadly in July.

After our loss we decided we wanted to try to have another baby. The first baby was a complete shock and we didn't know how bad we wanted that until it was too late. However I wouldn't change what happened for anything. I learned something very important through that experience. My feelings towards having children was that they are a sure thing and its just the next step in being married. Wrong....So wrong... Children are a blessing not a right. They are nothing short of a miracle from God.

The whole trying thing wasn't giving us any results for those couple months and it was very frustrating. I had a lot of stress with work, grief, school and marriage that adding the pressure of conceiving was a lot. I decided to go to acupuncture because I was at the end of my rope in stress and I heard it can help in conceiving. After the needles were put in me the therapist left me in a dim calm room for thirty minutes and I just began to pray. I gave it all to God and told him that I trust his plan for JP and I and trusted in him to give us a child when we are ready. This was in November. On December 31st New Years Eve, we received our positive pregnancy test. :)

This pregnancy has been rough for lack of a better word. First of all because of my previous loss my OB wanted me to come in right away. I had spotting which made me even more high risk despite my history. JP and I were prepared from the beginning because when you have a loss it changes the whole experience. The doctors sent me in for an Ultra Sound when I was 5 weeks along. This is very very early to see anything, but they just wanted to see what was going on and make sure all was developing correctly with my gestational sac. The tech told me she could see my yolk sac but no fetal pole, but not to worry since I was so early. The baby is smaller than a grain of rice at that point.

I went to my OB on the following Monday for a check up however I met with her family nurse practitioner. She was asking how I was feeling, blah blah. Telling me how happy she was for me that we were expecting again etc. I mentioned to her that I had the ultrasound and she had them fax her the results immediately. When she was reading the report she looked concerned, but I tried not to worry since it was my understanding that it was too early for good or bad news? She excused herself from the room to make a call... great.
When she came back she put her hand on my shoulder and told me flat out, "Im sorry its not a viable pregnancy." I was in shock, I didn't prepare myself THIS early for this kind of news. I'm not a crier especially in front of strangers but I just couldn't help myself. I just didn't feel like I could go through this again and in such a short time. She diagnosed me with a blighted ovum saying that my gestational sac measured a week ahead in which they should have been able to see a fetal pole with cardiac activity. She left me to gather myself in the room. I threw my sunglasses on and darted out of the office.
When I got outside I couldn't help but sob. I asked God why? Why is this happening to me again? I called JP and he was shocked. This was supposed to be a standard check up for me, no news no drama. He came right home to be with me and I just cried in his arms on the sofa. Lots and lots of tears that night.

Nobody knew we were pregnant I wanted to keep it a secret until my second trimester, but i told my mom what happened and she was shocked and saddened. I also had to go do blood work so they could monitor my blood levels to see if and when a D&C would be necessary. Early one morning the nurse called me and said they got the blood results back and she was "concerned" because my hcg levels were VERY high. So she scheduled an ultrasound for me so we could see what was going on... again... I didn't have a ride and my mom offered to drive me and she lives two hours away. So I was very grateful. I felt like it was a waste of money for me to get the ultrasound and I wasn't feeling well due to my high hormone levels. I didn't feel up to the tech confirming the news once again. So we went and I got on that table, the same one where I received the news about my first miscarriage mind you in July... My mom and I are sitting there while the tech is looking and taking measurements and then she turns this sound on and we heard a fast little blub blub blub noise. I was like hmmm guess thats my heartbeat. She then left the room to grab the radiologist and he came in and took a look at something and they turned the noise on again same noise. And he said "yep there it is." And I was like uh there what is? My baby was alive and measuring right on at 6 weeks where it was supposed to be... My mom cried and I was in shock. What a week man... haha There was another little lesson from the Lord that these doctors are not God and they make mistakes. Faith and hope is what has gotten me through the rest of this pregnancy.

So after all that I refuse to see the nurse at my doctors practice. I only work with my Dr. who is amazing and never would have given me that hopeless news that early on in a pregnancy. My hormone levels have been on the high side that made my doctor even question if there was another little one hiding in there somewhere lol. But that's not the case lol. I have had terrible morning sickness that just barely let up at 14 weeks. At 15 weeks Im starting to show and we had an ultrasound at 15 weeks that showed our adorable little munchkin. Keep following to see all the progress of this little one! We should find out what he or she is next month!