I personally use the (Pre fold and Diaper Cover) system because:
1.) It is the cheapest initial investment (about 100-200 bucks per child)
2.) It is a simple and easy to wash system
3.) It is the oldest method (Upgraded)
4.) It is fun picking out the cute diaper covers!
So here we go!
This is a pre fold. All the work has been done for you as far as absorbancy. When you get your pre folds you wash and dry them 4 to 5 times to prep them. This will wash off oils, manufacturing stuff and increase their absorbancy for first use. The more you use and wash pre folds the MORE absorbent they are. This makes them great to use on future kids you have. I bought the small size of this particular brand (Imagine). Its size 7-17lbs. Hope is only about 11lbs so she will be in these for a very long time, especially if she is anything like my sisters and I as babies. I did get the next size up (one dozen medium/ 12-25lbs) just in case. When you get them they look flat, the more you wash the more they quilt up.
This is a Diaper Cover (Imagine brand). This is what you put over the pre fold to make it water proof. This will keep the absorbancy inside, not exposed to clothes. It is great for explosive newborn poops. It catches the poop. I have not had a leak once since I have started cloth diapering! I use (One Size) Diaper covers. They grow with your child making it unnecessary to buy more as your little one gets bigger. There are so many designs/prints out there, you can really have fun with these! They are addicting.
Okay so those are all you need, now here is how you do it!
1.) Lay the cover under your babies bum.
2.) Fold the pre fold in a "tri fold" Just into a strip. This triples absorbency!
3.) Fold prefold and cover up
4.) Snap the Cover (I like buttons over velcro in preparation of when she is a toddler, she wont be able to undo her diaper)
Washing instructions:
1.) When you change your babies diaper, and poop has not leaked onto the cover you can re-use and re-use the same cover until it is dirty. Take the prefold out and throw it in your "wet bag". If poop has leaked and its not easily wiped off throw the prefold AND diaper cover into your wet bag. These are specially made to hold your diapers for 2-3 days until you wash them. They contain smell which is great, just zip it closed.
2.) When you are ready to wash. Take your wet bag and pour out your diapers into the washer and throw the wet bag right in there with them. Do one short cold rinse. This will rinse all the pee down the drain. If your baby is breastfed no need to spray your diapers first, just throw them right in there too. Just like with disposables you are supposed to dump solid poop in the toilet (prevents spread of disease). Do this with cloth as well before you throw diaper in the wet bag. An optional gadget would be a diaper sprayer and its pretty nice if you want to give the dirty diapers a quick spray into the toilet before putting the diaper in the wet bag.
3.) After the cold rinse, wash your diapers and covers on a regular hot wash cycle. I use the detergent called Planet. My daughter has sensitive skin and this is hypo allergenic as well as cloth diaper safe. The only other one I would use is Tide Original. You only need to use a little detergent with cloth diapers. The hot water and rinsing/spinning does most of the work.
4.) Once they are washed, throw your pre folds in the dryer, dry them as you would normal clothes. Hang dry your covers to keep them nice. I just hang dry them on the shower curtain rod.
Thats it! So so easy. The first day takes some getting used to but once you get the hang of it (about 2-3 days) you will never want to use disposables again.
How much "stash" should I have?
1.) With the pre fold/cover system you will want about 24 pre folds and 6 diaper covers if you dont want to wash your diapers every day. I wash her diapers every two days. I recommend the "Smart fit" prefolds by Imagine. They are sold at nickisdiapers.com. They are specially made to do the tri-fold which is the easiest. No need for pins or anything. I also have two "small" wet bags for the diaper bag and always have on hand two covers and 4 pre folds for outings.
2.) You will want a wet bag or diaper pail with a liner/tote for your cloth dipes.
3.) Cloth safe detergent
Thats it! No need to buy diapers anymore. No need to buy trash bags. No trash build up. No chemical gels under babies bum and sensitive areas. Just invest 100-150 bucks and your set! You will save somewhere in the thousands for using cloth. Ive even gone as far as to use cloth wipes...
1.) Cut up old receiving blankets baby has grown out of.
2.) In a tuperware bowl mix (Warm water, coconut oil, and lavender essential oil) These are anti microbial and prevent mustiness/diaper rash.
3.) Submerge the cut up wipes, ring out water and put in the wipey warmer. Done! Throw them in your wet bag as well! You can buy already made wipes too, they wont leak little strings. I will get to that eventually, but right now that is working fine for us.
Lets not forget, this is good for our environment. Diapers are not bio-degradable. OUR diapers are still in a landfill...eew... Potty stuff belongs going down the drain, not the trash! Cloth diapered kids are known for earlier potty training because they will feel the wettness against their skin and learn to understand when they have to pee :)
THE END! If you have any questions, e-mail me JackieJimenez88@yahoo.com