Friday, August 19, 2011

37 Weeks (Full Term)

So we are now officially FULL TERM! Meaning little Hope can come any day now and everything will most likely be fine :) In fact I was born at 37 weeks 1 day and hey I turned out fine ;) lol. However I haven't had any contractions... Not much cramping... So I'm thinking she is going to stay in for a little while longer but who knows? I just cant believe the time is coming. It is something I have thought about my entire life and its just a few weeks away now... What will it be like when they pull her out of me? How will I feel, how will JP feel? I just know that our lives will never be the same. We will be parents, this is something we have been waiting and hoping for, for such a long time....

So our nursery for her is completely done. JP cleaned the carpets last week so they look good as new. All of her things are washed and ready to be used. I got her car seat installed by a CHP officer today and interviewed and really liked the pediatrician. He only does vaccines 2 maximum per appt. and allows you to be selective which is what we wanted. We want to spread them out as long as possible. I dont want her getting pumped up with 5+ vaccines in a visit. That wouldn't be good for anyone and is just so unnecessary in my opinion. But anyway that wont be a problem with this pediatrician.

My grandma Lettie's funeral was this past Tuesday... JP and I made the trip up to Riverside because I would never forgive myself if i missed my beloved grandma's funeral. It was a beautiful service and reception. I wish I had the strength to get up and speak and share some memories I have with my grandma and to share that i am currently expecting her first great grandchild who we are naming in honor of her... but i just didn't have the strength. And everyone in the family already knows, and grandma knows which is all that matters. It was nice to see all the family come together... still doesn't seem real that she is no longer here though. I know that baby Hope will be the light in this sad time in our lives...

So the countdown begins... When will Hope Leticia come into the world?? I'm going to make a guess date of Sept. 3rd :-P But earlier would be awesome too!!

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