Having a child makes you think more about the future than I ever could have realized. All of a sudden I am filled with all these dreams and goals for our daughter. And she will barely be two weeks tomorrow!
We have picked up and are researching and studying the attachment parenting method extensively. Basically it is about closeness, attachment, affection and treating your child even in infancy with dignity and respect. You treat them the way you want them to treat others when they grow older. This method is also effective in preventing violence in your children. Its a parenting method that strongly believes in breastfeeding, safe co sleeping and giving your child an abundance of affection and positive discipline. In my mind this is natural and there is no other way I would want to go.
Breastfeeding has been going so much better now. It makes me feel so good that she is getting the perfect nutrition for her development. There are so many benefits even that manifest later in life such as helping to prevent childhood and adolescent obesity. By giving her such amazing nutrition I have been thinking about when she is older and no longer breastfeeding. Being a stay at home mom I am going to make it my focus to always feed her optimal nutrition. I know happy meals and things like this are convenient to parents when they are busy but it is my goal to never feed her these things. I believe that by never introducing these kinds of food to her she wont care for them when she is older. The proof to this theory is actually related to myself. My mom would NEVER allow us to drink soda as kids. It was never in our fridge and just never an option for us even into our young adolescent years. To this day I am not a soda drinker, I never developed a taste for it and the carbonation bothers me. When I was a child and I got soda either from grandma or kother friends I didn't go crazy for it because it was "off limits". It was just a drin that made my nose hurt lol. So hopefully this theory plays out true for Hope and she wont develop a taste for fast food. We will see :-D
I am not preaching my parenting method I am simply just sharing it. This will be our method because our lives allow this and we are blessed by that. I am so blessed to be a stay at home mom and to dedicate my life to raising our daughter and any other children we have down the road. For the first time in my life I feel fulfilled. I was always searching for what my life's calling would be. I have changed my college major about four times... The day Hope was born it all made sense. I was created to be a full time mother and praise the Lord that he has given us the means for me to fulfill this duty. Do we have to go without some things? Of course we do but its so worth it! For the moms that have to work I respect you for working TWO jobs!! This one job is hard enough! I will continue to learn every day and hopefully progress every day!
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