Friday, July 15, 2011

32 Weeks (Riverside Baby Shower)

We hit 32 weeks yesterday :) Only 8 more weeks to go. We got a new car last week, the '07 Hyundai Sonata! So we are stoked to be set on our car situation. We are still waiting on the house though... But its okay.

This past weekend my Aunts on my dad's side threw me a baby shower. It was so adorable, beautiful and classy. My grandma Lettie was there, my cousins, 2nd cousins, great aunt and a few close friends of the family. Baby Hope was showered with gifts that are over flowing her crib right now. Every single outfit she received was absolutely adorable! She is going to be one stylish little baby :) We stayed at my uncle's house for the weekend and his wife, my aunt was super hostess for the weekend. She was so considerate and helpful which meant a lot to me being that it was a long way from home being this pregnant. I really appreciated all the generosity from my whole family for the weekend, it was quite overwhelming. My grandma Lettie bought baby Hope a Graco Stroller with matching car seat and I was floored. I'm so excited to push her in her stroller given to her by her great grandma! So special... :)

Unfortunately it was a wake up call to my grandma's health this weekend. She was in a lot of pain and just not feeling well. I felt blessed that I got to do her hair for my shower, although I was a little nervous lol. She loved it though and she looked beautiful and it made me feel good to do that for her :) She had her final go at surgery today which did not go as we had hoped it would... They were still not able to take out the tumor or gall bladder and they will not be trying again... She will not be doing any more radiation and chemo because it is no longer effective. The focus will be keeping her pain under control and us spending as much time as we possibly can with her. Sadly I will not be around much due to being 5 hours away at 8 months pregnant... I know she knows how much I love her and she is the greatest woman I have ever known and WILL ever know... This is why we are naming our baby Hope Leticia... For my grandma Lettie. I love you grandma!

As for little miss Hope Leticia she is getting sooo big and giving mommy very uncomfortable kicks and rolls. I seriously love every single one and I would go through it all day every day if that's what she wanted to do lol.

Just please keep our family in your prayers. That my grandma can be comfortable and pain free, for my family to be strong with what life brings next and that baby Hope is growing strong and on track and will be born healthy :) That is ALL I care about right now.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, will be praying for Grandma Lettie's comfort and that she will get to meet baby Hope. So glad you got to have a nice shower with everyone there! I miss them.
