Thursday, August 25, 2011

38 Weeks

I am still pregnant and honestly still loving every minute of it... okay almost every minute of it lol. Her movement is so crazy this week, i can literally see her foot poking out and I can even grab it a little bit. So creepy and cool. It does hurt though, like my uterus feels sore and its pretty much at capacity now... But i guess baby's growth and weight gain slows down now and the organs are just finishing up maturity. So I sit here waiting to feel a gush of water or a painful contraction but I mean I'm still two weeks before my due date. I got checked at the doctor yesterday and I am not dilated but i am about 60% effaced and baby's head is way low and she is getting all set in position. So it really could be any time. The average for first time moms is 40-41 weeks though.

We are all ready for her though. Her room is ready, car seat, the hospital bag and mommy and daddy are for the most part ready. I'm getting restless legs though. I feel like i haven't used my body in such a long time, I just want to go on a sprint, or a jog, do push ups and sit ups, jump around and dance lol. But instead JP and i are just doing walks around our neighborhood. Nothing too strenuous so if I go into labor I have my energy. I could have been working out in the beginning but I have been paranoid this pregnancy. I hate to admit... With having a miscarriage before I have honestly been afraid to move much which has resulted in more weight gain than I needed to gain and loosing muscle. But its almost over and I will have my little girl here and I am going to work my butt off to bring her into this world as naturally as possible. I pray that I will progress on my own, withstand transition and listen to my body when it comes time to push and get her out all on my own NO DRUGS PLEASE PLEASE. I know i can do it, women have been doing it since the beginning of man after all! However if I dont I will try my best to not have guilt or feel like a failure... After all you just can't plan the labor and delivery, it is often times out of your control. I do have a great OB though who is on board with my plan and the nurses and hospital we are delivering at are all for natural births. Only a 11% C-Section rate there!

Keep watch.. I will be posting updates on Facebook when I go into labor and of course we will get pictures up asap. But as of now, its a waiting game :)


  1. I'm so is getting so close. Can't wait to be a grandma! :)

  2. Lol I can tell... when i called tonight you couldnt even talk cuz you were like dying thinking I was going into labor! haha
