Thursday, August 11, 2011

36 Weeks (The 9th and final month!)

So I am 36 weeks pregnant today. As you can see from my previous post, my grandma passed away this week. Before her surgery I really thought that she would be around until the baby was born, but unfortunately after this last surgery that was just not possible. Even if she were still alive, she was alive for the past month but not present...

My heart was breaking for grandma because she so wanted to meet her first great grandchild. At my baby shower in Riverside she was sitting on the couch and looked up to the sky and said "Lord please just let me meet this baby." And here she goes one month before she is due. But then I realized something... She did get to meet her first great grandchild because I miscarried my first child.... So she literally gets her first great grandchild all to herself! :) The Lords plan is perfect. I miscarried my first baby in July of 2010 and about a week or so later I learned my grandma had cancer. It was like, for crying out loud what is going on in the world. But then I got pregnant again in December of 2010 when I still would have been pregnant with my first baby... So its as if the Lord wanted my first baby in heaven to greet grandma and then the Lord has blessed us with little Hope to have here all in the shortest span... Obviously I will never know God's plan but I do know this was not by accident...

So basically I am just going to do my best to hold it together the best I possibly can at my grandma's service. I dont want to go into early labor by loosing it completely and stressing the baby out... Its so much easier said than done though... But I'll have JP there who is my rock...

Well on a lighter note I am now in the 9th month and the countdown can begin... When will baby Hope come? Will it be at full term which starts next week? Will she be born on or around her due date? Will she be born late?? :-P Lets see what happens!

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