Thursday, September 1, 2011

39 Weeks Preggo...

Yes I am still pregnant... Kind of hoping this may be my last weekly pregnancy blog and that next week ill be blogging about our delivery... But who knows... blah

At my doctors appointment this week she was going to sweep my membranes since I'm 39 weeks HOWEVER; I'm still not But I did efface more and baby's head is lower so Dr. said its definitely progress and all is still on track to go into labor at any time.

This week i have been really tired, sleepy and just plain lazy. I don't want to do anything at all. I take naps every day and am laying around on my computer and watching Friends. I want to enjoy being a couch potato for who knows how long I have left because I will never get that back. And those of you who know me well know that I enjoy my lazy time! But I still can't wait for the baby to get here, but I am a little nervous. I was feeling nervous in the beginning and then it went away until this week. The reality is starting to set in that I am going to have to go through labor and delivery, postpartum recovery, breastfeeding and being a full time mommy. It is going to be a huge change in our lives.

Little miss Hope has been very active in the night the past few nights. Like non stop wiggling and rolling her knees back and forth across my belly. It hurts like really bad, lol but it is SOO cool! I am going to miss feeling and seeing her move in my belly so much. It is the most incredible experience of my life thus far.

We love you little Hope Leticia!! Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you so come out soon okay :)

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