Little Hope Esperanza is 5 months old!! I just cant believe how fast she is growing. Everyone said it would, but wow!! Pretty sure she is 22 weeks old?
I am still breastfeeding 99% of the time. We have introduced solids but I do firmly agree with experts it is best to compliment breast milk with solids for the first year. So in the morning I will give her a few bites of something until she turns her head. Then at night she usually eats more, but then I nurse right after. So far she has had brown rice, bananas, sweet potatoes, apples and peas. She loves bananas so I usually just mash her up a little banana and it keeps her happy :).
Her personality grows daily now instead of weakly. Shes rolling, inch worming, grabbing everything, turns to voices and noises, trying to babble to us and knows just how to have us wrapped around her little finger. She is such a delightful little girl. Things are getting fun!!
Hey Jackie--just found your blog! I'm Drewswife on BBC :) Love your blog; I'm following it because you're my age and our babies are a week apart in age! You also live close to my sister, so I love your hometown too! (She lives in Atascadero with her husband, 3yo boy and is about to have another boy this month!) Hope is precious! We haven't started Arden on solids yet; she's still EBF but she's thriving so I'm not worried ;)