I am 23 years old and blessed with the opportunity to be a stay at home mom already! This was always my dream since I was a little girl believe it or not. I have always wanted to be a mommy! My dreams have come true and it is BETTER than I could have ever dreamed!!
Hope is 5 and a half months old now and the fun is really beginning. We co-sleep with her and all that means is she sleeps in bed with her daddy and me. People think, "woah arent you afraid you will roll on her?" You would be surprised how aware you are even in dream land. The second she squirms at all I wake up and dream feed her. Basically that means I nurse her once or twice a night when she is still half asleep. I dont do it so she will sleep longer but because shes teeny and I dont want her going all night without eating. She sleeps great and has slept great since day one with co sleeping. She always has her hand on me to know that her mommy is there :)I coudnt imagine having her away from me while we sleep. Its not for everybody, but it works very well for our family.
She wakes me up with little babbles. She never wakes up crying. She grabs my face, my hair and just stares at me. Morning time is such a beautiful moment and we just snuggle and play in bed for a half an hour or so. Then mama needs her coffee!
The rest of our day consists of nursing, nursing oh and more nursing!! She loves to nurse! She is a comfort nurser. She wont take a pacifier. As long as we are at home I really dont mind. And when we are out and about she is so fascinated with the world and looking around that she doesn't need to nurse much. So basically all day it is nurse, sleep, play. That is usually the order things go.
I only give her a few tablespoons once a day at the most of solids. Sometimes she eats most of it sometime she only eats a few bites. But she loves every food we give her. Bananas, yams, and avocado especially. All of her food made by mommy with love of course :). Okay you dont make bananas or avocado, you mash it... Mashed with love!
I seriously feel like super mom when I am able to get the kitchen, laundry and living room straightened up. But most days this doesn't get done but usually at least one. Between playing, nursing and snuggle time I honestly could care less what needs to get done. JP understands of course. Every weekend he is reminded of the hard work it takes to take care of this little angel! So basically the life of a stay at home mom is beautiful. It is like being on summer break all the time and spending the whole day with your best friend in the world who you never get tired of! Even more than that. It is just indescribable... Its a beautiful life...