I am 34 weeks today which means 6 weeks until my due date!! Wow. If she is born when i was born which was at 37 weeks then that means just 3 weeks left, omgosh I dont think so though lol. I wake up about 4 times a night to pee, but for the most part she is sleeping through most of the night in my belly lol. Lets see if she keeps that schedule up when she is born. My baby shower is this Saturday and I am so excited to celebrate little Hope with my family and friends. I will also be doing some maternity pictures and will post those as well as a baby shower post so stay tuned!!
We are still waiting on word from the house but or broker is moving our loan along and it seems to be going really well. Just asking for continued prayers for a smooth process!!
I created this blog after giving birth to my daughter Hope in 2011. After having a miscarriage in July 2010, we were blessed with our healthy baby girl just over a year later. Since her birth I have become a mother passionate about raising her in the healthiest and most natural way possible. I am passionate about natural childbirth, exclusive breastfeeding, organic whole foods, natural cleaning, skin care and cloth diapering. Read along and follow our journey of raising Hope! :)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
33 Weeks :)

We hit 33 weeks on Thursday this week :) Honestly there is not much new going on at all. We are still waiting to hear something from the bank on the house and were just dealing with annoying loan approval stuff. My main concern is getting this house CLEAN, which just doesn't seem to happen no matter how hard I try. Its such an old house and its just so annoying, ugh!!!
The baby's movements are becoming so strong! Its hard to think what the next seven weeks will bring because sometimes I feel like I can't handle the pain in my ribs or the pokes in front of my belly. But no matter how painful they are I am just so happy, so blessed to be feeling this moving child in my belly. I realized that had we not had the miscarriage last year in July I wouldn't be pregnant with Hope right now... I got pregnant with her in December 2010 and our first baby was due January 22, 2011. So its just weird how things are meant to happen and only God knows the reasons. We just gotta roll with it :) And I have an amazing husband who has held my hand and head through so many ups and downs this past year. He is incredible. I love you so much JP, you are an incredible husband and Hope is so blessed to have a daddy like you!!!!
Friday, July 15, 2011
32 Weeks (Riverside Baby Shower)

We hit 32 weeks yesterday :) Only 8 more weeks to go. We got a new car last week, the '07 Hyundai Sonata! So we are stoked to be set on our car situation. We are still waiting on the house though... But its okay.
This past weekend my Aunts on my dad's side threw me a baby shower. It was so adorable, beautiful and classy. My grandma Lettie was there, my cousins, 2nd cousins, great aunt and a few close friends of the family. Baby Hope was showered with gifts that are over flowing her crib right now. Every single outfit she received was absolutely adorable! She is going to be one stylish little baby :) We stayed at my uncle's house for the weekend and his wife, my aunt was super hostess for the weekend. She was so considerate and helpful which meant a lot to me being that it was a long way from home being this pregnant. I really appreciated all the generosity from my whole family for the weekend, it was quite overwhelming. My grandma Lettie bought baby Hope a Graco Stroller with matching car seat and I was floored. I'm so excited to push her in her stroller given to her by her great grandma! So special... :)
Unfortunately it was a wake up call to my grandma's health this weekend. She was in a lot of pain and just not feeling well. I felt blessed that I got to do her hair for my shower, although I was a little nervous lol. She loved it though and she looked beautiful and it made me feel good to do that for her :) She had her final go at surgery today which did not go as we had hoped it would... They were still not able to take out the tumor or gall bladder and they will not be trying again... She will not be doing any more radiation and chemo because it is no longer effective. The focus will be keeping her pain under control and us spending as much time as we possibly can with her. Sadly I will not be around much due to being 5 hours away at 8 months pregnant... I know she knows how much I love her and she is the greatest woman I have ever known and WILL ever know... This is why we are naming our baby Hope Leticia... For my grandma Lettie. I love you grandma!
As for little miss Hope Leticia she is getting sooo big and giving mommy very uncomfortable kicks and rolls. I seriously love every single one and I would go through it all day every day if that's what she wanted to do lol.
Just please keep our family in your prayers. That my grandma can be comfortable and pain free, for my family to be strong with what life brings next and that baby Hope is growing strong and on track and will be born healthy :) That is ALL I care about right now.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
31 Weeks
Only 9 more weeks to go! We are in the single digit count down as far as weeks!!! eeek cant believe it. There is sooo much to do! Because there is SO much to do I decided I will not stress out about it, I will do the bare minimum and give all our problems to God. We were in quite a bit of a pickle with our car situation. JP and I bought a '03 Ford Ranger almost 2 years ago. We bought it when it already had 100,000 miles on it and was over priced at 11,000. But hey you live and you learn. So the truck had a cab in the back but not a back seat, so absolutely no way to put a baby in there. We also have a '01 Jetta which I have had since high school. Ever since it hit 70,000 mileage it has had nothing but problems. Clutch went out, check engine light came on, started turning off while driving etc etc. We just couldn't afford to fix it constantly and its not even worth the investment. Not to mention I did not feel safe putting my baby in that car. So even though we are in the red on JP's Ranger as far as what we owe we took both cars to the dealership yesterday to see what can possibly be done to get us out of this hole.... We looked at a few used cars that were in our price range and we came upon the '07 Hyundai. Great price, great on gas, warranty and moderate mileage. So we went for it and after a lot of stress with the dealer they finally worked with us in a price range that will work lol. So we are going to go sign the paper work in a few hours and we will have ONE car that works and that is safe for a baby and will save us on gas! YAY now we just need to get the house...lol. Im not stressing, its not worth the stress.
Baby Hope is doing great, she is getting sooo big. She rolls and rolls around and man it hurts sometimes but I LOVE every single movement from her. It is such a blessing to be carrying a healthy child after what we went through last year... You just always have to have hope...
Baby Hope is doing great, she is getting sooo big. She rolls and rolls around and man it hurts sometimes but I LOVE every single movement from her. It is such a blessing to be carrying a healthy child after what we went through last year... You just always have to have hope...
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Please Lord...
Today I am feeling sort of anxious about the house... but I need to hold on to the bible saying do not be anxious for anything and to make your requests known to the Lord. This home buying process is a hard thing all on its own and then to throw the fact that we are trying to buy a short sale? However I know God is a BIG BIG God and he is bigger than the house, the bank and the entire real estate industry. I just pray that he lets us get this house. I pray that he will provide all the funds that it will require. I pray that we can move in before or shortly after Hope is born... We are praying for a miracle... And holding on to the fact if we dont get it that there is something better. Will keep you posted...
Saturday, July 2, 2011
This 4th of July is very different...
This time last year JP and I were in Carpinteria staying with his dad and step mom for 4th of July weekend. All our family had plans except my dad so we decided we would go over to his condo for a bbq. We were having a good time even had our suits on because we wanted to go swimming as well. It was about 1:00pm and I got up to go to the bathroom and there it was...blood. I was devastated and I just knew this was bad. I was 11 weeks and had had no previous bleeding at all so why now. My holiday was over from that point on. We went back to Tony and Laura's so I could lay down and we left early the next morning. That Tuesday our worst fears were confirmed. It was the most devastating thing we have ever gone through.
I guess today on this 4th of July weekend I am counting my blessings. I have a beautiful baby girl kicking in my belly and we are almost to the finish line. God has a plan and we can never give up Hope!
I guess today on this 4th of July weekend I am counting my blessings. I have a beautiful baby girl kicking in my belly and we are almost to the finish line. God has a plan and we can never give up Hope!
Friday, July 1, 2011
30 Weeks!!

Hit 30 weeks yesterday, JP is FREAKING out... lol! He said this has gone by way faster than he thought, just 10 more weeks to go! EEK! We are so excited though. I am going to try and enjoy the rest of the time to just rest, spend time with JP and enjoy the peace and quiet :) However I am extremely anxious to meet our little girl. I am also anxious about the birth because we are planning on a NON medicated birth. No pitocin, no epidural and hopefully no IV either. I plan on walking, breathing and hanging out in the birthing tub for natural pain relief (although I know it will only relieve like 20% of the pain... maybe if Im lucky! lol. We start our birthing classes on Tuesday and we are really excited!
An update on what is going on with the house. So we made an offer at the asking price on a short sale in Nipomo. It is a condo in a PUD. Super cute and they are pretty new. The owners accepted our offer and the property is already an approved short sale, however the bank still needs to accept OUR offer which could take 4-6 weeks... So basically it is going to be a LONG wait until we know if we are going to get this house or not. If not we will keep looking, but we are really really praying that we get this.... We need to get out of our apartment asap especially with the baby coming, I am not comfortable with her living in this old noisy place. So please please pray for us that this process will be smooth sailing all the way through. We have faith that God is taking us where he wants us to go and we are praying for this to be in his favor for us.
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