They really don't lie when they say that time flies when you're having fun... My beautiful baby girl is 6 months old... You know sometimes I just cant believe I have a gorgeous little baby girl. My entire life since I was 2 years old playing with baby dolls I wanted a baby girl. My whole life was meant to lead up to this achievement. I have no clue what I was doing before her because it was just not important frankly. She is my life. And I know her daddy feels the same way, minus the playing with baby dolls at 2 years old but hey who knows... ha!
She has brought us so much joy. She has been rolling over for a few months now but now she is ALL over the place. She is also able to army crawl on our bed. Basically instead of using her hands she uses her forearms. If she sees a computer or phone on the bed forget it because she is after it. We have ordered all the baby proofing materials. We don't quite have to put it all up yet but we are prepared because she is going to be crawling very soon. She has said dada a few times but I dont think its purposeful yet ;), dont tell her daddy... She loves to scream, babble and laugh. She is truly a little joy. She also loves her food! I try not to give her too much because breastmilk is still all she needs. If they fill up on solids they fill up on less nutrient dense foods that can fill up their bellies. Basically full of less important food which is not a good thing for a tiny growing baby... So we still have a little while before solids become a big part of her diet, however I am letting her wean herself. I give her solids twice a day with a little teeny bit of coconut oil to give her healthy fat to complement the nursing. She still nurses just as much to this day and it is such a special time. I love it more and more each month. I love how her eyes lock with mine and she touches my face and will smile. God truly designed this special relationship between a mother and child and I am going to continue it as long as possible. Thinking about stopping truly breaks my heart into a million pieces.
On Friday Hope came down with her first cold :(. She woke up and coughed something nasty and has been congested and coughing since. There is snot (TMI) everywhere! She has had a very low grade fever but I keep an eye on it. The more and more research I put into illness and immune systems the more I am able to get through this. When your kids are sick I truly believe it is harder on us parents than them. She is still happy, laughing, rolling and scooting all over the place.
As for JP and I... wow.... Okay so about a month ago when we came back from being gone for about a week we noticed a leak outside our house. Well of course it was coming from inside. We got a plumber out asap and he found the problem. When the builders were building the homes someone hammered a nail into the pipe. I guess it rusted recently and triggered the leak all over. So basically our kitchen has been out of commission since the beginning of February... This is a situation that is covered by insurance but because of that it is a lengthily process... The good news is we get a nice new kitchen out of it but it is taking SO long. With a baby and just moving into a house that is not a fun situation and a week will easily go by that I hear from nobody and we have half our kitchen torn out. Its no fun. But I know it will get done and it will be worth it. Other than that JP and I are doing very well.
Also an update on our dog Maxi. He has a lot of anxiety when away from us. Since I am home all the time with Hope he is very bonded to the two of us. When we leave he gets into stuff and more recently he has found Hope's silicone pacifiers and ate a good amount. They have caused some problems and he had to have surgery. Unfortunately and fortunately the pacifiers had already moved into his colon when they opened him up so putting his little body and our wallet through the surgery was absolutely useless. But we are glad that our little doggie is okay. He is recovering very well.

Our 4 year wedding anniversary is in one month! So stay tuned for Hope's 7 month and we will be going on a nice fun trip!