Hope is 4 and a half months old now :). They say that the first three months of a babies life should be treated as the fourth trimester. And this month I have really started understand what they mean by that. The first three months she was dependent on sleep, nursing and a little awake time just looking around. However in the fourth month she is having double the awake time and her personality is shining through. She loves to make noise, and she hits her arms down to her side as hard as she can in excitement. She smiles a big gummy smile and giggles often throughout the day.
Her physical development has reached being able to hold herself up on her belly at a full 90 degrees. She is also rolling from tummy to back and back to tummy now. She is able to grab things out of purpose and loves to chew on them (her sophie the giraffe is her favorite). She sits up very well when supported on your lap as well.
I think the most exciting new thing is that we have started her on complimentary solids now. Research shows that it is best to wait until 6 months and I truly wanted to however I couldn't escape her signs that she was ready. She became increasingly cranky, not sleeping well, nursing so much where she was just spitting up constantly. So I talked to her pediatrician and he felt it is time to start introducing her and giving her the "full" sensation. She is 4 and a half months and it is an acceptable age. I started her on organic brown rice cereal just to get her used to some texture. And have since given her a taste of sweet potatoes which she didn't seem to really care for right now. I have been giving her bananas this week, which she really loves! It is a known fact that once you introduce solids you have started the weaning process. So therefore I am not over doing it. She is still so young and tiny she does not have a grown stomach so I know a little bit goes a long way. She only eats a few spoon fulls (baby spoon) in the morning and a little at night and it has made a world of difference in her. I still nurse her just as much, because solids before one year do not take place of a nursing session. They simply just add to it. There is more fat, carbohydrates and calories in breast milk than solid foods so it truly is her perfect source of nutrition. The solids just make her feel more content and who are we kidding, its fun! :-D
We are loving all the new adventures she is bringing into our lives. I cant wait to see what the next month brings, oh boy!!! hehe

Hopes first bite of organic brown rice cereal (mixed with mommy milk)