I created this blog after giving birth to my daughter Hope in 2011. After having a miscarriage in July 2010, we were blessed with our healthy baby girl just over a year later. Since her birth I have become a mother passionate about raising her in the healthiest and most natural way possible. I am passionate about natural childbirth, exclusive breastfeeding, organic whole foods, natural cleaning, skin care and cloth diapering. Read along and follow our journey of raising Hope! :)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
25 Weeks
Here we are at 25 weeks already... Only 15 more weeks to go! Wow... This week I have been having a little anxiety about baby coming. Budgeting questions, is the house going to be clean enough? What about air quality? We need a dresser for her room and we need to clean the carpets. Will we be able to save a down payment to move into a nicer place in the next year? What about my relationship with JP, how is it going to change when she comes? All these questions and concerns but I am pretty good at turning it off and distracting myself with tv or computer, but I guess that is kind of running away from the issues. I dont know, at the same time though I am just so excited for her to come and for us to be a family. Her movements are so incredible, I can feel this little body rubbing across my belly and it makes me just want to touch her hand or foot, but gotta wait. :) I love her so much...
Sunday, May 22, 2011
24 Weeks!

Wow it is an amazing feeling to hit 24 weeks. I guess this is also the week when you hit "viability" and if for any reason you go into early labor they could intervene and baby would go to NICU. Of course we do not want that this early, but it is still a comforting milestone. Instead of spastic movement from Hope I feel her turning around and stretching more. I am officially in my 6th month! Wow 6 months pregnant... Very cool. We cleaned out her room last weekend and are excited to start getting her room ready :)
Monday, May 16, 2011
23 Weeks

I missed posting for the 22 weeks post but it was a whirlwind week with finding out our baby is a little girl!! :) We are so excited for our baby Hope and feel so unbelievably blessed... At 23 weeks there is not much different as far as symptoms. I do seem to be feeling better and better as the weeks go on though. I am comfortable and nesting. I figure to get the ball rolling now before i get too huge to be able to do anything. Hope is a pretty active little girl and I LOVE and appreciate every kick and squirm that I feel from her. We are getting closer and closer every week and it is an amazing feeling to know that at the end of summer we will be having our baby girl!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Its a Girl!!

We found out yesterday May 3rd that we are having a little baby girl!! I was not surprised at all, I had a gut feeling all along. However my hubby was convinced all along that it was a boy hehe! However he is so happy and this little girl is going to be a daddy's girl all the way! We are naming her Hope Leticia Jimenez. We are so excited to meet her this fall, we love her soooo much!!! Time to start getting ready now!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Tomorrow is the big day....
So tomorrow is our anatomy ultrasound and hopefully we will find out the little ones gender too... I am just enjoying this last night of being ignorant to all information. I am hopeful that everything is just fine though :) I also have no preference as to gender because this is our first and we are just so thrilled to be given this gift! We are excited to know though so we can truly start the bonding process and calling baby by name :) I will update on our news tomorrow!
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