So today I am officially in my 16th week according to my due date of September 8th. However at the ultrasound last week the tech said I was measuring a few days ahead, but they don't change the due date if its only within a few days.
My symptoms are inconsistent now that I am in the second trimester. As much as I want to say I am feeling all better and ready to jump around an clean I'm just not there yet. My nausea seems to come in the evening but it is very mild compared to what I went through the first 14 weeks, yikes... lol. It amazed me on our ultrasound last week to see that the baby grew so well because I lost 9lbs in the pregnancy and hardly was able to eat or drink anything. So now im starting to eat more on a regular basis and drink a lot more water. I often feel stretching in my tummy and am starting to feel those little flutters :) My tummy is poking out a bit too but with 5 more months still to go there is plenty of time for the real growing to start lol.
A touching moment the other day. JP and I went to Costco and he was all of a sudden overwhelmed with happiness and put his hand on my tummy and said "I love my little family :)" It was very cool. Because it is still early so it still doesn't feel real most days. I cant wait for the fun stuff in the next few months. Feeling those big kicks and having the belly that I cant hide!!
We Love You Baby J!! xoxoxo
I created this blog after giving birth to my daughter Hope in 2011. After having a miscarriage in July 2010, we were blessed with our healthy baby girl just over a year later. Since her birth I have become a mother passionate about raising her in the healthiest and most natural way possible. I am passionate about natural childbirth, exclusive breastfeeding, organic whole foods, natural cleaning, skin care and cloth diapering. Read along and follow our journey of raising Hope! :)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Baby Jimenez Is on the Way!

I am currently 15 weeks pregnant in our second pregnancy! :)
As you can read below we had a missed miscarriage with our first pregnancy sadly in July.
After our loss we decided we wanted to try to have another baby. The first baby was a complete shock and we didn't know how bad we wanted that until it was too late. However I wouldn't change what happened for anything. I learned something very important through that experience. My feelings towards having children was that they are a sure thing and its just the next step in being married. Wrong....So wrong... Children are a blessing not a right. They are nothing short of a miracle from God.
The whole trying thing wasn't giving us any results for those couple months and it was very frustrating. I had a lot of stress with work, grief, school and marriage that adding the pressure of conceiving was a lot. I decided to go to acupuncture because I was at the end of my rope in stress and I heard it can help in conceiving. After the needles were put in me the therapist left me in a dim calm room for thirty minutes and I just began to pray. I gave it all to God and told him that I trust his plan for JP and I and trusted in him to give us a child when we are ready. This was in November. On December 31st New Years Eve, we received our positive pregnancy test. :)
This pregnancy has been rough for lack of a better word. First of all because of my previous loss my OB wanted me to come in right away. I had spotting which made me even more high risk despite my history. JP and I were prepared from the beginning because when you have a loss it changes the whole experience. The doctors sent me in for an Ultra Sound when I was 5 weeks along. This is very very early to see anything, but they just wanted to see what was going on and make sure all was developing correctly with my gestational sac. The tech told me she could see my yolk sac but no fetal pole, but not to worry since I was so early. The baby is smaller than a grain of rice at that point.
I went to my OB on the following Monday for a check up however I met with her family nurse practitioner. She was asking how I was feeling, blah blah. Telling me how happy she was for me that we were expecting again etc. I mentioned to her that I had the ultrasound and she had them fax her the results immediately. When she was reading the report she looked concerned, but I tried not to worry since it was my understanding that it was too early for good or bad news? She excused herself from the room to make a call... great.
When she came back she put her hand on my shoulder and told me flat out, "Im sorry its not a viable pregnancy." I was in shock, I didn't prepare myself THIS early for this kind of news. I'm not a crier especially in front of strangers but I just couldn't help myself. I just didn't feel like I could go through this again and in such a short time. She diagnosed me with a blighted ovum saying that my gestational sac measured a week ahead in which they should have been able to see a fetal pole with cardiac activity. She left me to gather myself in the room. I threw my sunglasses on and darted out of the office.
When I got outside I couldn't help but sob. I asked God why? Why is this happening to me again? I called JP and he was shocked. This was supposed to be a standard check up for me, no news no drama. He came right home to be with me and I just cried in his arms on the sofa. Lots and lots of tears that night.
Nobody knew we were pregnant I wanted to keep it a secret until my second trimester, but i told my mom what happened and she was shocked and saddened. I also had to go do blood work so they could monitor my blood levels to see if and when a D&C would be necessary. Early one morning the nurse called me and said they got the blood results back and she was "concerned" because my hcg levels were VERY high. So she scheduled an ultrasound for me so we could see what was going on... again... I didn't have a ride and my mom offered to drive me and she lives two hours away. So I was very grateful. I felt like it was a waste of money for me to get the ultrasound and I wasn't feeling well due to my high hormone levels. I didn't feel up to the tech confirming the news once again. So we went and I got on that table, the same one where I received the news about my first miscarriage mind you in July... My mom and I are sitting there while the tech is looking and taking measurements and then she turns this sound on and we heard a fast little blub blub blub noise. I was like hmmm guess thats my heartbeat. She then left the room to grab the radiologist and he came in and took a look at something and they turned the noise on again same noise. And he said "yep there it is." And I was like uh there what is? My baby was alive and measuring right on at 6 weeks where it was supposed to be... My mom cried and I was in shock. What a week man... haha There was another little lesson from the Lord that these doctors are not God and they make mistakes. Faith and hope is what has gotten me through the rest of this pregnancy.
So after all that I refuse to see the nurse at my doctors practice. I only work with my Dr. who is amazing and never would have given me that hopeless news that early on in a pregnancy. My hormone levels have been on the high side that made my doctor even question if there was another little one hiding in there somewhere lol. But that's not the case lol. I have had terrible morning sickness that just barely let up at 14 weeks. At 15 weeks Im starting to show and we had an ultrasound at 15 weeks that showed our adorable little munchkin. Keep following to see all the progress of this little one! We should find out what he or she is next month!
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